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broken television question

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Gentlemen, (ladies are welcome to chime in)

Last Christmas (note: NOT xmas) I purchased a 45 inch Insignia flat screen tv from Best Buy. $800. 2 weeks ago it refused to come on. I called Best Buy and the tech said I needed to unplug the set for 1 minute to allow it to reset. I did and it worked, for 2 days. Now it again refuses to work, any ideas from the couch potatoes among us?
look at me am so rich............45" flat screen.

Just kidding. I have no idea what is wrong. I do know I wouldn't buy a pack of gum at Best Buy.
I had a simular problem with my Aquas. It would just go black and I would turn it off and back on and it would work for a while. Over time it would hardly work at all and the service dept. from Sharp was horrible. I went on line to look at other models to buy but I looked at reviews to see what other people thought about other brands and there were alot of simular problems with the Aquas. After looking through tons of reviews I bought a Samsung 42" Plasma and have not had any problems.
Shoot the one you have, like suggested and read a lot of reviews. If people like a product, or not, they will definetly spread the word. Take advantage of that.
I don't know if failed electronics are the result of shoddy components or engineered obsolescence (redundant statement I realize). It does seem like the prices for flat screens are coming down. VIZIO, IMO, seem a pretty fair bang for the buck. Have a couple small ones & so far they do the same thing the bigger Sony's we have do.
If it's still under either store or manufacturers warranty, I'd see about getting it replaced.
Unfortunately, Insiginia is the bearer of an "F" for warranty action, according to Better Business Bureau. I looked at Best Buy community site on Insignia TV's and even Best Buy floundered their customer on the same TV. It is pretty pitiful unfortunately.

If I was to venture a guess (having minor electronics background) It almost seems a cooling unit (fan) may be bungled up with heavy buildup or simply failed. If it is located in an area where dust is constant - and you want to void any chance of warranty work, Pop her open and look for some form of heat sink unit that is bound up... blow it out, though I would not use a typical air compressor, rather the typical keyboard / computer air canisters.
Seems a heat issue that is blanking her out and thus shutting down, as it cools off it will reset. Troubleshooting the brief info and reading a couple (negative reviews of service offered) it appears to become more frequent as time continues. Thus the reason for heat issue. May try and clear the vent areas to the TV as well or at least check such areas for free flow of air... Heck - wild idea, though open the back, place a fan behind a few feet away, turn it on low... and see (as a test) if that resolves the issue. If not - then, your looking at more intricate electronis side of "relace vs repair".
This is the mechanical side of the electronics... though as we all know electronics are as finiky as anything and close to impossible to "self" repair.

Today - dealing with electronics that is where companies can really reduce prices over main brands such as SONY, etc. It is something NOT visible to the customer though the leading margin modifier for pricing in building electronic driven items. It is WELL worth spending 1200 for a good name than 800-900 for a poor name.
Good luck!
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I've had a JVC 42" for three years no problem. got it for $600 at the Canteen at the VA hospital. Well, did have one problem TWC came trough working on their cable in the neighborhood and ripped out the Verizon FiOS cable by mistake IDIOTS. Fiber optic cable is flat their coax is round. If you have a choice go with Verizon better TV package and faster internet.
Thanks for the input.
That is a pretty informative site(especially when you figure how to use it)
My wife called the manufacturer who said it's over a year old, not their problem.
They suggested we take the unit to Geek squad and have them fix it.
I figure I basically paid $50 a month to rent a tv and now have a piece of junk.
That was our last purchase from that manufacturer.:mad:

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