Broadhead selection for the wife

Apr 3, 2021
San Diego ,CA
Wife picked up an Az otc archery tag about an her ago. Guess they decided to release another 100. Anyway she’s shot bows for the last couple years but hasn’t had an opportunity to let one fly yet on an animal. She’s a short draw and ok draw weight considering she’s 4 11. Just looking at what you guys got for recommendations for light powered bows.
The set up
Hoyt Eclipse
24in draw
24in máxima blu rz 150
245fps for a 307 grain arrow including a 100 grain tip

Considering going to 125
She and the bow shot very well
We put some muzzys on it for tunning purposes and they fly very good
I went with slick trick viper tricks for my wife. Impressive little broadhead. I have read some recent issues with quality control and assembly though
Personally I would go with a 175-200gr Valkyrie Blood Eagle. They are tough, accurate and will go through any animal in North America out of that bow.
I would consider a cut on contact head and in 125grn if they will tune well. She certainly is shooting enough bow to kill an elk, but her arrows will be punching a little light, so don't make them waste energy pushing a chisel tip through that tough hide, when it could be better spent penetrating.
I agree with the general sentiment of a good cut on contact head. My girlfriend is a little taller and shooting about the same weight. Her arrow is a bit heavier, closer to 400. She shoots a Magnus stinger for everything except Turkey. I always sharpen her broadheads using a stay sharp guide. So far she has passed through every whitetail she has shot at all inside 30 yards though. No shot opportunities on her only archery elk hunt.
I'd look at 2 blade with bleeder options. magnus stingers were mentioned, black hornet would be another option without getting into the expensive iron will and day 6 heads.
My wife has been using the Magnus Black Hornet cut-on-contact 2 blade heads. Has blown through everything with a 40 pound bow! I now shoot the same head but in four blade. They fly extremely well, as they are short/compact heads.
Magnus black hornet would be my vote. They come pretty sharp in the package but if you can touch them up a little bit they get scary sharp
Another vote for Magnus. My kid killed deer with them consistently with draw weight around 40 lbs so you will have no issues.
My wife shoots magnus stinger 2 blade withsn extra 50 grns up front. The angle of those things make it perfect for low poundage.
Another vote for Magnus.
My daughter & i use 125gr Black Hornet ser-razor.

I'm shooting an APA Viper Air set at 50lb.
Carbon Express Pile Drivers with 75gr inserts.
Daughter is using a Diamond Infinite Edge at 40lb.
Carbon Express Blue MZ with 50gr inserts.
I highly recommend the 100 gr 4 blade Wac'em. We both shoot them, she shoots 60lb draw weight, 27" draw. Her arrow is a 400 Black Eagle Rampage, she has taken 4 six-point bulls with that setup.
I'm not going to address this as a 'Wife, Youth, Non He-Man' situation. Just what I know to be true. My bow set up is set @ 55#'s, with 100gr Thunderheads @ 2018 Eastman shafts. Not rocket speed, but I know I can make a shot ...out there. (40yds)

I practice, Practice, PRACTICE throughout the summer. Shot the vanes off of toooo many prior shots still in my cardboard backstop & spray painted bullseye.

An arrow is not a bullet. Kinetic energy is far less important than momentum, Sharp A$$ blades and an accurate hit.
I'm not going to address this as a 'Wife, Youth, Non He-Man' situation. Just what I know to be true. My bow set up is set @ 55#'s, with 100gr Thunderheads @ 2018 Eastman shafts. Not rocket speed, but I know I can make a shot ...out there. (40yds)

I practice, Practice, PRACTICE throughout the summer. Shot the vanes off of toooo many prior shots still in my cardboard backstop & spray painted bullseye.

An arrow is not a bullet. Kinetic energy is far less important than momentum, Sharp A$$ blades and an accurate hit.
To a point….cut-on-contact (2blade) heads take far less energy (produced by momentum or KE) to penetrate than other style heads.

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