Caribou Gear Tarp

Bringing guns into Canada

Yup, be carefull to not have a DUI. If they catch it they might not let you in the country. You can ask and get a pardon before hand adn I would suggest looking into it to be cleared so if you travel it does not come up.
They will catch it if you are going across with a gun it is an automatic backround check. The first time I went hunting there a friend had one in our party we had to drive him back to the US and his girlfriend had to drive up 6 hours and pick him up while we went hunting. My friends dad had one from 10 years ago and still had to get a pardon and this took almost 5 months, they said that still didn't mean they would let you in. They don't F around when your bring in guns.
You are right. It takes some time for the pardon but I have not heard of any problems if you get it. I had one of my clients one time not get into Canada and his buddies had to leave him behind. Kind of sucks but at the same time it is a good lesson. Don't drink and drive and you won't have a problem:)
I went to Newfoundland last fall moose hunting. I was very pleased with how I was treated at the border. We had our paperwork together and they did not even go out and check our rifles. They did not look in my truck or anything. Coming back in at Calais, Maine was a very smooth transition also. I had zero complaints about how I was treated either way.

I think your buddy needs to go out and buy his own gun. If the company is footing the bill, the least he can do is buy his own rifle. You better not lend him a gun that you don't want something to happen to-Murphy's Law etc.etc.
I last went into BC in 89', for 3 mos of fishing & hunting.
Towing a Norvenia boat with a Powerwagon. 3 guys,clean records.
Knew not to bring any handguns,but we each had at least 2 rifles and a shotgun.

Got off the Ferry and waited our turn.
2 guys in a Beemer convertable in front of us were found to have drugs in their cooler on the back seat. CA plates. Idiots.
I had CA plates.
We pull up next and get asked to pull out of line and into inspection area. Border guys called RCMPs over to watch.
They went thru every thing we had down to dirty laundry.Everything spread out on the asphalt and we were looked at 3 ways from Sunday and then some.Papers,and backgrounds.
2 of us where LEO's and had our credentials with us,SOP.
They were not very nice and then said we could go,just walked away.....rain starting.night coming and everything we had out in the open.
We had just finished repacking and wet and not very happy, as it had taken a couple days just to pack the rig & boat.
About to climb in and finally get to the hotel for the night and a cute redhead came out of their office with some cups of hot coffee.
She apologized for the treatment we got and said it was not SOP ,but just circumstances of the CA plates @ the time.
I thanked her for the coffee and she asked where we were staying.I said the St.James and off we went
She showed up that night at the hotel pub with some friends determined to improve our views of Canuks.
Spent 3 days around Victoria & BC being guided by this beauty.
I almost married that gal......oh ,I came back from BC with 500lbs of salmon,200lbs of halibut. 2 deer and a bear. It turned into a 4 mo trip.
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I have crossed into Canada close to 30 times here in MN, A few with guns for Moose hunts. As the guys have said print out and fill out paperwork but don't sign. I have brought my brothers 45/70 across with no issue so a borrowed gun should not be a problem. I have had nothing but good experiences at the border. Except for the time I had dirt with my night crawlers. The BP were laughing at me as I walked back across the bridge from FF to I-Falls to dump out my dirt.

I have a Tikka 300wsm and as previously stated it does kick. I put a boyds stock on it and it really tamed it down. It feeds flawlessly shoots an inch with factory loads and better with hand loads.
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