Bringing guns into Canada


Active member
Mar 19, 2006
A friend of mine is going Caribou hunting this fall and asked if he could use my rifle.Should I be concerned about him crossing the boarder with it or does everything go smoothly and I shouldn't be concerned about anything?
I believe he has to fill out a form and send it in? Not sure though. Nothing to really be concerned about, but make sure he checks more than a day prior to boarding a plane or driving across the border. His outfitter should know the answer.
Five minutes to fill out a form when you cross the border. He can actually find the form on-line and fill out everything but the signature prior his crossing. Not sure about taking your gun, but I don't think that would be a problem.
Just make sure the Ownership of the gun is 100% certain, I have read of an Individual who purchased a Rifle and when he tried to cross the Border, it came up as stolen. This could have been through a Pawn Shop or Personal gun purchase. Either way it messed his hunt up. John
The cost use to be $50.00 but not sure about it any more. Also, not sure but if your friend has had any run in's with the law this might be a problem. More then likely he just wouldn't be aloud to enter Canada. One time in Idaho when I was elk hunting a fellow killed a cow moose thinking it was a elk and they took his gun alway from him and it was borrowed plus $900.00 fine and court cost.
Anyone who needs to "borrow" a rifle except in an extreme case should not be allowed to. It is my experience that someone who would ask this will not treat your rifle worth a damn. If he can pay for the hunt he buy a a gun of his own and then you have no wories. Just my 2 cents.
heartofhunter, I couldn't agree more.
Ask yourself this, if something goes wrong and he comes back without the gun, what happens ?
( I can hear it now,,,but, but it wasn't my fault ! I'm not going to pay for it, you need to call the Mounties, they have your gun)
I hear you about borrowing a gun.We don't have a real big need for them(rifles) in Iowa so every buddy that hunts doesn't have one.He was asked to go on this hunt on some companies dime and couldn't pass it up.Dah!You know how it is when a friend asks a favor?He has been looking at one of those Tika lite 300's.Any good word about those guns?
I have taken guns into Canada many times. its no big deal. They actually have sandwiches and drinks at Edmonton in the gun area. they do their best to make it go quickly and try to make you feel welcome. Western Canada especially is very friendly to Americans.
I have a Tikka Lite .300 Win. I love it! It is light, though, and therefore does have some kick. If he is used to heavy loads in a 12 ga, it shouldn't be a problem, although he may not like shooting it from a bench to get it sighted in. Put a folded towel between the rifle butt and his shoulder - it helps if he is recoil-sensitive off the bench. When hunting, recoil is never noticed, it seems.

I believe Customs usually does an ownership check, and this could be a problem with a borrowed firearm.
If you are coming into Alberta I have my hunters fill out the forms before they arrive but DO NOT SIGN THEM untill you are in front of the officer and he asks you to sign them.

If you need the paperwork you can get it off of my Website
Look under Hunt details and then down at the bottom under forms.
Hope that helps
I've taken guns into Canad a couple of different times, truly not a big deal. Download the form from the net, fill it out but do not sign it, it has to be signed in front of a border patrol as a witness. Pay the man his $50 (about that) and on you go. Just make sure your buddy doesn't have a past DUI or some sort of conviction that Canada really frowns on, and things should be OK.
I've taken guns into Canad a couple of different times, truly not a big deal. Download the form from the net, fill it out but do not sign it, it has to be signed in front of a border patrol as a witness. Pay the man his $50 (about that) and on you go. Just make sure your buddy doesn't have a past DUI or some sort of conviction that Canada really frowns on, and things should be OK.
You are right but It has been $25 now for quite a few years. We keep pushing to have it be $0 but I don't think it will happen anytime soon.
You are right but It has been $25 now for quite a few years. We keep pushing to have it be $0 but I don't think it will happen anytime soon.

Yeah I couldn't remember the exact dollar figure. Last time we crossed up into Alberta the BP didn't even ask to see our guns was really pretty simple to be honest. I do remember this, he didn't match the exchange rate! LOL Whereabouts up in Alberta do you guide Nube?
About an hour south of Edmonton. The whole border thing is just a money grab. We all have to register our guns so the liberal thinking feel safe in their homes at night and the Gov't gets their money. Got to love Canadian gun laws.:mad: Most border guys don't check the guns. They just want the paperwork and the money and you are good to go. It is so much easier coming here than it is to the U.S or another country from what I have done and been told.
I go every year to Ontario deer hunting cost is now $25,but is only good for 60 days. Used to be $50 for a whole year. They will check your gun NO MATTER if you have the paper work done or not. So I just wait till I cross and fill it out, they will measure the barrel check to see if it unloaded. These are Federal enforcment that you are dealing with, you WILL have to go in for a backround check so NO DWI's or federal offenses or they will turn you back. As for your friends gun it should be OK as long as it checks out cleared when they put it into the system. Canadians I believe don't care if we are there or not. You may want to check with your outfitter about transportion of the meat, I think it must be deboned to cross any provinces, and no skull matter in the brain. (European heads must be boiled). One other thing NO hand guns and NO pepper spray. Other than that good luck hunting.
To tack on to Streamers post...
Do not forget - U.S. Customs and Border Protection form 4457.
It is a form declaring items of value that hold a specific marking (such as the serial #).
The burden of proof is upon the traveler to prove where valuable items are from.
I have a 4457 laminated (does not expire) and stored in my rifle case. Stop in at the US border crossing office and an Officer there can view / stamp items of value.
Expensive camera's, spotting scopes, valuable rifle scope - etc...
I agree with having him buy his own gun. I watched mine tumble down the mountian in borrowed hands, and of course I end up with the pieces and a "sorry man"! Just sayin:(
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