Brass, how many times?


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2013
Back in the Sage
Just out of curiosity, how many reloads are you getting out of your brass? I shoot a 270, 7 mag, and 300 win. I am up to 10x on some 270 that I have and they are starting to look a bit rough, but still appear to be in functional condition.
It really depends on the loads a person is using along with how the brass is cared for and handled. The more the brass is tumbled and resized the more wear it will have. High pressure loads can wear on brass a lot as well.
Anneal them every 2-3 firings and they will last a long time. Also don't over pressure them or you will lose the primer pocket quickly. Tumble them for 30min max.
Annealing helps(I need to start doing that) and the other thing that I do is to avoid excessive resizing, I set my dies to only bump the shoulder back .001-.003. Or neck size only.
I get about 5 on the Rem Mag. Annealing won't help as the primer pockets are first to go.

7mm-08AI i have some casings that have been reloaded close to 30 times.
10 or so on the 257 Roberts.

Just all depends.
Yep, high pressure expands primer pocket's pretty quick. My case's last 4 or 5 reloading's. Got a 308 just for cast loads I started on today. Low pressure so will see if it help's case life. Probably will then I'll have to start annealing. Getting 4 or 5 loading's out of high pressure loads doesn't bother me a whole lot.
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