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Bozeman: is it really that bad anymore?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 53219
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Shoring up with a typical Straight Arrow / Buzz broad paintbrush (you colored this thread with racism). NW Montana in a very broad sense - to include Missoula, Sanders, Lincoln, Flathead, and Lewis & Clark County... No one introduced racism but you guys. Spin it however you'd like. Bring @Big Fin into this - I'd imagine he'll close this thread - grats, your mission accomplished. It's played it's course, regardless. You'll flap blame whichever direction serves your purpose and your fanboi base will absorb your bs. :)

How about we call a spade a spade. This is a @BuzzH , @Greenhorn , and @Straight Arrow hurt feeler response to the term "Bozangeles". Nothing, what-so-ever, to do with their crying rant side distraction diversion with the whiny "racism" card in a thread about Bozeman. But hey, @Greenhorn , Kurt, shared his disappointments with Bozeman earlier in the thread. Lordy, lordy, lordy... somebody hurt his (their) feelers. God forbid someone shares the history of the Bozeman resident created term back 2006... ;)

Play ball boys - you want to keep your diversion by introducing racism into the Bozeman thread, I'll be your huckleberry.


You win. I live in Boz Angeles. I like it!


I dunno..... i dunno what's going on anymore. Probably should get back on the sauce so I can try and make sense of it.

I have been working in Bozeman over the past month. One thing that's a real positive is the scenery ol Gallatin county presents is .......

It’s almost Los Angeles caliber…
I started calling it that while I was living there and this happened.

Yes, and of course those involved in the homicide were transplants from large metropolitan areas ... definitely not Montana boys.
hurt feeler response to the term "Bozangeles"
Sytes, you know not of what you write. No hurt feelers expressed by those you mention. We do agree with the characterization of the crazy growth related transformation of Bozeman, but I also still highly value the very wonderful aspects of Bozeman and the Gallatin area.
Don't be so quick to misunderstand and misinterpret to suit your own inaccurate perspective, please. Quantum mental misdirection, flawed logic gyration from "NW Montana (aka NE Idaho)" to "racism".

If I refer or react to "Bozangeles", it's not due to a "hurt feeler". It's due to realization of changes. "The only constant in life is change!"

Respect that I have been an engaged and active community member and resident of this area for Sixty years, with absence for only four years active Army time. So feel I've earned an opinion regarding changes in Bozeman.
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We do agree with the characterization of the crazy growth related transformation of Bozeman, but I also still highly value the very wonderful aspects of Bozeman and the Gallatin area.
Back on topic. Thank you.

I fully agree with you on the quoted portion above. My thoughts of the surge - our economies and that of our low/mid class citizens. This is Montana wide and... Kalispell is the new top target for economic flips. Attempting to figure housing, rental structures to manage... People moving with large amounts of $ still want their McDonalds coffee, yet... Where do these people [Employees] live?
This is what I clearly meant by Montana has been met by the "Yellowstone" era. People place TV as the reality of life. It has flip flopped many economies. Lincoln County is another who already felt the demise of public logging - Now, they have been flipped again by people moving from metro areas with more money than the current structure can accommodate.

It's a challenge for many areas.

As for the rest of your comment... cheers.
The end of hunting season is always nice when all those 6 license plates full of Bozifornians finally leave our eastern Montana paradise and head back to their nice amenities, ‘best’ large and crowded public schools, expensive ski hills, fancy restaurants, good medical facilities, piles of transplant ‘residents’, extremely overpriced housing, crowded blue ribbon trout streams, and busy new development. Hopefully they got enough content for their Instagrams, YouTube pages, and facebooks to get them through a few months before they make the trip east again. The growth in popularity of Turkey and shed hunting combined with trail cameras for scouting deer and elk year round though have really decreased that brief serenity we used to get, and it seems like there is always a 6 plate around anymore. It’s too bad they ruined the hunting and fishing around their own town and have to come east to ruin it there too…
you montana/bozeman folks better learn the practice of contentedness.

that pendulum ain't swinging back.

i have to check myself pretty often and remember the grass is indeed still green, because at the end of it, boy i'm still grateful to live in colorado, and what a chithole this place is. but grateful none the less. it's a damn fine place at the end of the day. massively better than the majority of places available in this country.

if you think a little bit of traffic, home prices, and a few transplants has ruined it up there in bozeman you have no idea what's sliding down the pike in the coming decade(s)
it's a nice place to visit. ;)
The end of hunting season is always nice when all those 6 license plates full of Bozifornians finally leave our eastern Montana paradise and head back to their nice amenities, ‘best’ large and crowded public schools, expensive ski hills, fancy restaurants, good medical facilities, piles of transplant ‘residents’, extremely overpriced housing, crowded blue ribbon trout streams, and busy new development. Hopefully they got enough content for their Instagrams, YouTube pages, and facebooks to get them through a few months before they make the trip east again. The growth in popularity of Turkey and shed hunting combined with trail cameras for scouting deer and elk year round though have really decreased that brief serenity we used to get, and it seems like there is always a 6 plate around anymore. It’s too bad they ruined the hunting and fishing around their own town and have to come east to ruin it there too…
Sheesh. I never thought we’d get this much butt hurt from Bozeman folks. Can we all agree it’s time to bulldoze to allow mule deer migration to happen again. And if apr buys it, so be it?
She said kids were making fun of other kids if their parents shopped at WinCO because "that's where the poor people shop." I know that stuff exists everywhere, but I don't think that kind of stuff was a thing in Bozeman 5-10 years ago. BTW, corn beef if on sale right now at WinCO 3.98/lb...
From a guy on the eastern side of the state whose only option for groceries is an over priced Reynolds or a Dollar General heading out west to a WinCo is a fricken treat. The cracker cut cheese trays are awesome. Mother in law came out this direction this week. “You guys need anything from Helena before I head that way”. “You stopping at WinCo?” “Yes I am”. “Grab a pen this is going to be quite the list”.
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