Bow tuning tips?

I have issues/concerns with this method. Briefly, as he states, the arrow should come off as straight as possible to maximize efficiency. His method appears to work well, at that distance. What about other distances. If his impact with and without broadheads differed as much as it did, he likely needs to tune his bow better and not the rest. A lot of emphasis is put on paper tuning, because it is important. Not as much as some believe, but important none the less. To go the other way, folks will spend a lot of time bare shaft tuning. Theoretically, a perfectly tuned bow will bullet hole a bare shaft at distances, the vanes are just cheaters. Lots of methods online to read about for tuning, this is not the one I would role with. Not to mention, he's shooting a Mathew's so what does he know.
I am certainly not an expert, but I think Kenny puts out some pretty good tips. You need to understand that this was an instructional video. I'm sure that he already had his bow tuned with broadheads before filming this. Everything was probably exagerated in an effort to make it easier to follow and understand what he was doing. I don't think any broadhead, even the worst one, would be off that much from field tips at that distance. When doing this yourself you would of course make fine tuning adjustments as you move further away from your target.
He is just describing the need for the fine adjustments of bow tuning, that aren't always visible when shooting a FP or expandable. This is what most people see when they shoot their broad heads and they don't hit with their FPs. Fixed broadheads, by their nature have an ability to steer an arrow, where FPs and expandables don't have the same ability.

Another trick to try is paper tuning out further. This is also a great exercise to identify bad arrows. If all of your arrows are punching clean holes at 30 except one or two you know there is something screwy with them.
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