PEAX Equipment

Bow Sling or No?

A friend loaned me a Montana Bow sling when I was hunting a farm and using my bike to get across the property to my stand. It worked well for that.
Depends how far I have to hike before hunting

Once you blow a call you better be ready to shoot not messing with a sling
Exactly... If I'm trying to get somewhere my bow is strapped to my pack, if I'm hunting or moving slowly its ready to rock in hand
Jever walk into game when ya least expect it? Could you be ready for a shot if the bows in a carrier? Just a thought
Jever walk into game when ya least expect it? Could you be ready for a shot if the bows in a carrier? Just a thought
Yup…it’s happened a couple times. My bow gets the crap beaten out of it in hand, whereas on my back it is much more protected.
Doesn't cover the cams or.string but if you are looking for a way to carry your bow while hunting or hiking. Always having it ready, I started using the Montana Bow Sling last fall and love it!

I have this sling and it works great. Bow is easy to grab if you need it in a hurry and its super customizable. I also have there Rifle sling and it is just as great.
I bought one but like many others I only used it once. Just seemed so much easier to use the cable as a handle.
I am another vote for not using one. I don't think it gives enough relief to justify the weight (which is not much)
Often times there’s other crap on my pack so I use a cover for the the string / cams and use my Montana bow sling. I love that combo. The brush is so dang thick in some spots I hunt and my strings get torn up quick if I don’t cover them.
I use the Solo Huntr bow sling (minus the shoulder strap) with my Montana Bow Sling (using the hooks). This system works well for hiking, provides quick on and off access....all while protecting my strings and cams. I'm right handed and carry it on my left side. One of the most comfortable ways to carry it is with my hand on the bow grip. I can easily maneuver it around obstacles and it is always in the "ready" position. I am still processing at what point in the hunt I remove the Solo Huntr protective sling - likely at daybreak, when we set-up to call, etc. - but, regardless, it comes off quickly and silently. I understand the sentiment to always have the bow in hand to be ready for the unexpected, but I have a lot invested in my bow and want it protected and ready to go when the opportunity presents itself. Hope my experience helps.
Curious everyone’s thoughts on getting a bow sling or not, specifically one that covers the strings and cables. Any recommendations or criticism of ones you have used in the past would be welcomed.
Used the Primos one made out of a neoprene-like material, and it started tearing at the seems within a couple years. Trying the Gohunt sling this year. It’s much lighter, which is always a bonus. I would never strap a bow to my pack without a string protector. I spend the majority of my time off trail in oak thickets…a string is no match for that.
i have a bow sling that covers the strings. i only use it when my bow is strapped to my pack. ive seen more than one set of strings get worn pretty bad after a long hike in or out. whenever im hunting my bow is in my hands
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