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BOW or 300 MAG....


New member
Aug 10, 2002
Here is a vote for the bow. If your not gonna be too far away from pop's 300, you can pick your poison as the situation arises.

Here is how I rate your quary from easiest to hardest with the bow.

1) Bear
2) Moose
3) Bou
4) Wolf (wouldn't even waste my time with the bow, give me the .300)

OK, I kick the idea around every day on what to bring to AK.... BOW ? or 300 MAG ?

On one hand, I love the bow, I've only taken one mose thus far and it was with a bow. I could always use dads 300 as a backup. I'm good with the bow. Other people do it all the time... If they can, so can I !!!

ON the other hand, BOWs don't have the range. I'm in AK for 18 days but only hunting MOOSE 8 full days, and 'Bou for 5. It's also my first time in AK. We're trying to get 2 moose in 8 days. trying to get 4 'bou in 5 days. If I see a black bear in the distance I'd like a shot at it. With a bow I more then likely wouldn't ? I'm gonig back up there again sometime for moose so this time I shouldn't take it but next time I can if I'm successfull this time....

I've asked people and GREENhorn who always hunts with the bow said Don't take it. Others said do....

JUST wanted to take a VOTE on BOW.. YAY ! or NEY !!! Whats the majority here think ? and do ya have a reason ? I still don't know what I'm gonig to do
WHAT would YOU DO ?
I'm with Joel on this one Oscar.

If it was my first trip I would probably go with a rifle. But with your Dad along you would have the option of using his rifle also. I know there is a weight consideration so you will have to decide what you really want. I know you like to kill critters so give yourself your best odds this time.
I'd say take the rifle. Use this trip as an educational trip. I'd hate to see you go home empty handed because you thought it would be the same as hunting in the lower 48. After this trip you will have a good idea about hunting in AK and will be better prepared for the next. Or you could bring both. on the first day use the rifle and if the area is better for bear switch over. Or just bring a good 44mag and your bow and use your dads rifle if you have too.
Take the Bow! Black bear and moose are not that hard to get up close on. I've never hunted bou, but from everything I've heard they aren't that hard to get close to either. If you dad's gonna be close at hand with the 300 you can always salvage a blown stalk by trading with him real quick! If you take the bow, everything will be 300 yds away, if you don't you'll shoot everything at 23yds...I think thats one of those cruel laws of nature!!LOL! Good luck either way!
Leave some of your canned food home and take them both, should be enough weight difference after you get rid of the case of spagetti-O's...
I also agree with LBG on this one. Take the rifle this time and next time you can take the bow. Learn from this trip about what to expect in Alaska.

I vote the gun, and if you want to make it sporting, just take one bullet per tag. You would still have the fun of handicapping yourself, but also the chance of tipping something over at 200+ yards....

And this will not be your last time to AK, as you could see from my pictures, once you go, it becomes an annual trip, sometimes at two times a year thing.

I'll go at the drop of a hat

Maybe you could also make it a game to get with in that magic area of bow range, but use your gun in case it decides to run or get farther than you can normally manage with a bow..
I think I've opted out of the bow.. Her'es my thinking... I think it will be a "GAME" and "TOUGH" enough to get one bull down and out in 8 days let alone 2. then we're after 4 'bou in 5 more days... We're planning to get dad a moose first, then I'll be looking for a second one. I hear that the #'s are down ? and some laugh ad a mixed bou and Moose hunt... BUT, I'm up for it !!!

If we fill the 2 moose and 4 bou tags in the days we're hunting Weather with a bow or a machine gun, I'd be stoked
Although I'm hoping not to eat tag soup, we're tight on time I think
ANd, we'll be sporting a bear and wolf tag too.

T-bone.. How''d I know you'd say a bow
I would take both. Shoot my moose and my first caribou with the rifle, then try to get a second caribou with my bow.
Use the rifle if you really want to kill all the game you're talking about killing. But really, what are you gonna do with all that meat? 2 moose and 4 caribou, that is a LOT of meat!! How are you gonna get it all home?
Washington Hunter... I know it's not "ETHICAL" to kill CHIT and not eat them... BUT thats the plan. If I wanted to eat meat for cheap, I sure as heck wouldn't be going to AK to get it. I'd be going to a local GAME FARM

This trip is about a good time out with my dad and BONE's on the wall !!
Alaska?? Hey, that's Mastadon and Wooly Mammoth country! Forget the stick and that little .300.

Take your .416 Rigby and a .404 Jeffery backup!

ELKHUNTER, I don't always get your comments, BUT I laughed anyways

L.W. ya, but I wrestle Wooly mamoths here in Idaho, I don't need no Stinking gun
That being said, I'm bringing mine

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