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Bow limbs snapped! looking for replacements...


Oct 7, 2014
Noxon Mt
I know this is a long shot, but what the heck.
Archery season started Sept 3 here in Montana, and friday afternoon I decided to shoot a few more arrows before opening day. For some reason I have yet to figure out, my lower limbs on my bow snapped while I was drawing it!
I shoot an older Bear Showdown compound, and the company no longer carries parts for it. Would anyone have or know where I can find a replacement set of limbs?
Or do I need to write it off and buy a Bowtech instead?
Thanks in advance!
My guess is that you need to write it off and buy an ELITE, not bowtech....;)
Wouldn't be buying Bowtech anything right now... Sorry about your limbs. How about one of the "starter" ready to hunt bow packages to get you through the season?

Wouldn't be buying Bowtech anything right now... Sorry about your limbs. How about one of the "starter" ready to hunt bow packages to get you through the season?


Not a bad Idea. Pick up a RTS whatever hunt the season and sell it at the end of the season take a $100 hit, but still get to hunt then have the whole off season to save for whatever you actually want. I have been hunting a PSE Brute X that I bought bare back in 2012. Killed a heck of a lot of deer with it. For me target shooting maxes out at 75 yards after that I am not accurate enough to hold a 8" group with it and the occasional error may miss the target.
I shoot a Hoyt charger I got from Lancaster Archery for under 600 dollars all set up and its a very nice bow at a great price. I'd write it off yes. Good luck with the rest of the season.

Bowtech has been having limb issues since they came out. They had a few good years form 08-14 or so, but they have had limb crack problems from the start.
Buy an elite and you'll never look back. I was a bear man and now I couldn't see myself buying anything other than elite.

Got the hunt guarantee if it does though, anywhere in the world!
I've never had a limb crack, but I keep 2 bows tuned up and ready to go just in case of an issue like this. I have had problems with sights and also a string that slipped off a cam, and it's nice to know you can just grab your back-up bow if you can't get your primary bow up and running in time.
Elite has had MANY limbs issues this year as well. While all manufacturers will have issues from time to time, Hoyt has been fairly stable in the well as PSE (surprisingly).
I love my Elites but Hoyt is tempting. Hoyt is the only company I know of that puts their bows through such a high dry-fire testing regimen. Risers must withstand 1500 dry fires with no sign of cracking. Limbs must withstand 1000. Oh, and that's at 80lb and 30" draw! Tough bows.

I love my Elites but Hoyt is tempting. Hoyt is the only company I know of that puts their bows through such a high dry-fire testing regimen. Risers must withstand 1500 dry fires with no sign of cracking. Limbs must withstand 1000. Oh, and that's at 80lb and 30" draw! Tough bows.

I shoot a Hoyt charger I got from Lancaster Archery for under 600 dollars all set up and its a very nice bow at a great price. I'd write it off yes. Good luck with the rest of the season.


My wife picked this bow up a couple years ago and loves it. I just bought mid season a Prime Rize because I couldn't get comfortable with my Hoyt Carbon Element. I've only had a week to shoot it and I'm already shooting it better than I could the Hoyt. I think every shooter is different though.
My buddy would probably give you a hell of a deal on a ready to shoot Hoyt Nitrum, with a black gold 5 pin sight, tight spot quiver, and some other things as well. Let me know if you're interested.
Thanks for the input everyone, I am currently looking at(and saving for after seeing some of the price tags!) several different brands. Schaff if I don't find anything in the next week or so I might be getting a hold of you!
Thanks for the input everyone, I am currently looking at(and saving for after seeing some of the price tags!) several different brands. Schaff if I don't find anything in the next week or so I might be getting a hold of you!

Sounds good!
Bowtech is having their own bout with limb issues. Lots of people reporting limb cracking problems this year.


I've heard this before but a search on the net only brings up a few forum posts some of which are less than credible and look more like some sour grapes from 6 years ago. Where are you finding "lots of people" reports?
Caribou Gear

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