PEAX Equipment

Bow hunting with a shoulder injury

I'm having a second arthrogram tomorrow to see exactly how bad my labral tear is to let the doctor know if he can scope me or if he has to cut me open. I'm looking at a bicep tendon debriedment (sp? they're going to shave it down to make it pretty again) and some grinding into the humoral head to counteract some degeneration and the labral repair. I'm actually worried about archery this year in August and September depending on when I can get it done. He says he had his labrum scoped and was back in the gym in about 4 months.
John Dudley, Nock-on podcast. Pro archer shot with a mouth tab for a while in surgery recovery. He has done a couple podcasts on this, you might have to Google to figure out which ones they are though I don't know what episodes he talked about it.
I'll say again, Iron Scap is a fabulous program for any number of athletic endeavors involving the shoulder. It is wheelhouse programming for shooting a bow. Few quick fixes. Start with the lowest resistance and move up slowly. Repetition and time. Focus on technique.

Not sure why I'm saying this again, but here you go.
That’s good to know. I’m not to the point of having surgery on my shoulder yet because drawing a bow is the only thing I’ve found that consistently gives me fits. But I will definitely keep that in mind for when I decide it’s time to get it fixed.

Is it your opinion or a doctors that your not ready for surgery. I can tell you many times waiting to fix a shoulder injury will only cause more damage and possibly a lower success rate from a surgery. Depends on what's going on in your shoulder. maybe do a little research.

I had to have a rotator cuff surgery last year and am now able to pull 55 pounds, not as good as before the injury but good enough to hunt. If I had waited say a year. my torn supraspinatus would not have been able to be attached with good success, and I would most likely have lost the use of that muscle. scar tissue and such can do more damage over time if not corrected as well. Just my opinions, but maybe look into fixing your shoulder then the bow.
The Iron Scap/Crossover Symmetry system is a fabulous program for general shld health and performance. The program would lend itself to drawing a bow and maintaining the humeral head in the fossa. It is a process gaining strength and stability.

I'm 65yo and for the first time in years I'm shooting both my recurve and compound pain-free because of the Crossover Symmetry/Iron Scap program.

It's not a gut-busting program for young Special Forces types. It is focused solely on shoulders (baseball players use it a lot).

(I got my bands from Fit Cord, an American company which used to be the supplier for Crossover Symmetry)
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#1 Piece of advice: Don't take complex medical advice from a hunting forum
#2 Piece of advice: Don't take complex medical advice from a hunting forum
#3 Piece of advice: Go to a PHYSICAL THERAPIST, not a doctor, not a nurse, not a chiropractor, not a PA, a PHYSICAL THERAPIST! If it's feasible to have you shooting a bow with your current condition they will get it done if your willing to put the work in.
#4 Piece of advice: Don't take complex medical advice from a hunting forum

....that being said, I have 15 years in the sports medicine field and it sounds like you have a stability issue with your shoulder, which needs a focused individual rehab approach that you WILL NOT find on a general "shoulder strengthening program. A physical therapy exam will determine the instability, severity, direction, etc. They will give you a great rehab program that will get you on your way to shooting a compound. Also, I have had a one on one phone conversation with the state of Colorado and a Physical Therapist can sign the order to allow you to use a crossbow in the state.
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Cobra archery has a release called the Accomplise advertised as reducing the felt pull by 25%.
there seems to be a plethora of advice already given on this thread, most if not all , is sound advice. so all i will say, is good luck and i hope you will one day be able to hunt with your compound bow!