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My current stash of good stuff. I have a few different ones at my cabin.
Angels Envy
Basil Hayden
Makers 46
Van Winkle
Knob Creek
Woodford reserve
Pendleton ( Rye)
Gentleman Jack ( Rye)
Alberta Springs ( Canadian Rye)
Fishers Bourban ( Could be the best one here)

Missing: Bakers

Pendleton is usually my go to. Tried Angel Envy on the East Coast. It was excellent but not sold in MT as far as I can find.
I laugh when I see Woodford promoted as a premium bourbon. Living in the heart of bourbon country, we often do blind tastings. Woodford almost always comes in dead last - loosing to the likes of Very Old Barton 101.
Not a bourbon, but I'm a big fan of the High West Double Rye.

High West has a very good Bourbon blend.

yup...I also like Basil Hayden. I've heard Whistle Pig Rye is worthy of a try. One day I'll get to try Pappy van Winkle but I'd wager that's not gonna happen anytime soon.

Basil Hayden is really good. Bulliet is pretty sweet but it's an excellent sipping bourbon. But I'm not sure that you can beat Buffalo Trace as far as bang for your buck for a sipping quality bourbon.

Just saw Colonel Taylor in an earlier post so I had to add that. A bit spendy but that is some goooood stuff. I constantly catch my old man mixing it with Coke and have to restrain my discontent.
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I was at a family wedding last fall and the groom was in the liquor distribution business. His boss had given him a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle for a present. I was able to try it side-by-side with a bottle of Eagle Rare. I'm sure some could distinguish between the two, but I couldn't.

Eagle Rare has been on my list. I do like Montgomery Distilleries new rye, "Sudden Wisdom". Tried a bottle of it last month.
Eagle Rare is great. Especially if you can find a bottle of the 17 year.

Elijah Taylor rivals Pappy Van Winkle in my opinion. It is my new go-to top-shelf bourbon. It is a little pricey. The single barrel, when found runs around $70 or so locally for me.
Four Roses definitely has some good bourbon's for much less that many others. Thumbs up!

I also like Basil Hayden.

I will throw out Henry McKenna 10 year in the running for cheap bourbon that will knock your socks off. At $31 it is a steal.
Prichard's double barrel is my favorite. But I haven't bought any in a couple years since I end up drinking it all!
My top picks are Four Roses small batch, Tin Cup, Breckenridge. Blantons if I want to splurge. After several years of searching I found a resort near me with a bottle of Pappy's. I tried it and I don't think it was all that. Good but not great. I think Blantons is as good or better.