
Bourbon Connoisseurs

I'm interested to compare Four Rose's single barrel to the small batch select,.so the small batch select might be my next purchase. I like the single barrel so far, as well as Buffalo Trace. Makers is not for me.

On the lookout for Eagle Rare but it has proven to be rare indeed in my local area.

I'm wayyy late to the bourbon craze, but it does make the bourbon hunt a little more fun, I guess.
I got a bottle of the small batch for a white elephant gift last night...pretty good stuff.
anyone found of Basil Hayden
I have heard it described as a good starter, but it doesn't hold up once you gain more of an appreciation for the more complex stuff. You figure it came out of the barrel at around 120-130 proof and is diluted down to 80, so you are going to lose something in the detail. Everyone has their sweetspot, I tend to gravitate to about 95-115 proof range. That said, I have several barrel proof bottles that are good, and a bottle of Michter's sour mash that is 86, and I love it.... All part of the fun I guess.
If you had to pick a top three?
Its all "local stuff". Handcrafted, home brewed using only artesian Smoky mountain spring water over the stills. Names like Kingsnake, Smooth Barrel, and some of the stuff that comes in old ceramic milk "jugs" are the best. I tried to give some to other HT'ers while in MT for my elk hunt, but they weren't really interested in TN mountain spirits (whiskey).
Due to this thread I can't even start to count the hours I have spent online looking at bourbons now....Today I ran across some Four Roses single barrel and small batch, so I picked up the small batch to start..can't justify spending $300 right away...wanted too because they have a few I wanted :). I figure if I pick up a bottle every 2-4 weeks I will be good in a few months. Now if I can just run across some BT stuff, really want a regular BT and Eagle Rare....Maybe I will get lucky :). Only stopped at 2 stores...Total Wine didn't have crap...I think I will need to stick to small stores. Hoping I will find some Weller and some Buffalo Trace stuff. I did see a few more I wanted to try, but resisted using the credit card :)
You fellas are killing me by drinking that GOOD stuff. I have to drink cheap stuff with a big BITE, so after sipping one shot of Old Crow I don't want anymore. It reminds me of the stuff "Cat cooker Joe" the Chinese restaurant owner made in his stores basement and vented through the main hood vent to avoid detection.
This stuff is pretty good and I’ve bought a few bottles of it over the past year. Having some while I make jerky and dinner tonight.
I have heard it described as a good starter, but it doesn't hold up once you gain more of an appreciation for the more complex stuff. You figure it came out of the barrel at around 120-130 proof and is diluted down to 80, so you are going to lose something in the detail. Everyone has their sweetspot, I tend to gravitate to about 95-115 proof range. That said, I have several barrel proof bottles that are good, and a bottle of Michter's sour mash that is 86, and I love it.... All part of the fun I guess.
Don’t buy Basil. Buy Old Granddad Bottled in Bond. It’s the same mash bill as BH except aged one more year (a good thing) and bottled at 100 proof.

BH is, no joke, is a younger, watered down OGD, in a pretty bottle for 2-3x the price.

If OGD is too much at first, serve it on ice and let it mellow for 10-15min. The extra water from the melt will get you close to BH with just a bit more complexity.
You fellas are killing me by drinking that GOOD stuff. I have to drink cheap stuff with a big BITE, so after sipping one shot of Old Crow I don't want anymore. It reminds me of the stuff "Cat cooker Joe" the Chinese restaurant owner made in his stores basement and vented through the main hood vent to avoid detection.
Old Crow punches above its weight. I used to keep a handle (CVS $15) at the house and would fill up empty bottles of “the good stuff.” I can’t tell you how many times people would take a drink of $8 Old Crow out of a $70 bottle then compliment how great my bourbon collection is. Of course that was after they mixed it with Coke or Canada Dry. 😂
Not a connoisseuy but I do like good bourbons. Stopping at Total Wines and More to sample the wares once in a while is going to be high on my priority list in retirement.
Don’t buy Basil. Buy Old Granddad Bottled in Bond. It’s the same mash bill as BH except aged one more year (a good thing) and bottled at 100 proof.

BH is, no joke, is a younger, watered down OGD, in a pretty bottle for 2-3x the price.

If OGD is too much at first, serve it on ice and let it mellow for 10-15min. The extra water from the melt will get you close to BH with just a bit more complexity.
Old Granddad 114 is great as well.

I agree regarding BH, lots of flash, very little character.

Are you able to get your hands on New Riff Single Barrel where you are at? I have heard there is some variance in the single barrel roulette game with it, but the bottle I have is really good.
Old Granddad 114 is great as well.

I agree regarding BH, lots of flash, very little character.

Are you able to get your hands on New Riff Single Barrel where you are at? I have heard there is some variance in the single barrel roulette game with it, but the bottle I have is really good.
Never heard of it, but I just looked it up and Total Wine has it for $40. I love high rye bourbons so I’ll give this a try.
Cross thread posted lol but after hitting their distillery tasting room yesterday I HAD to leave with a few bottles!!


Anyone ever try any of Stein Whiskey out of Joseph, OR? Been through the tasting room one day before lunch. ( I was on vacation 😉). Like a lot of what I tasted and had to walk across the street to a cafe for some food and coffee before hitting the road again. I remember liking their whiskey a fair bit and even bought a bottle to take home.