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BOSS 20 gauge 2 3/4" #5 for ducks

I have used the 2.75" twenty gauge shells as well as 3" mags. Good results from both on ducks and geese. Keep in mind that this is small farm pond hunting.
Thanks. I will be patterning mine when they come in. We have two weekends after general duck season that veterans can hunt. Hoping to get a few wood ducks. Mine is small pond hunting as well. You usually get one chance in the morning and then it's done for the day.
I already load rifle and pistol and space is a premium. I thought about loading shotgun, but not sure where I would put a loading station. Not to mention, I only duck hunt a few times a year so it might not be cost effective.
Here is the website, it does a pretty good job of showing what you would need if you can find a load of the week that you like:
I use the 3” Boss 20ga shells in 3/5 for ducks and they have always performed well. I switch to 3” 12ga in 3/5 when geese may be encountered as well. This is river float/jump shooting.
I doubt it as well. Tungsten is just so expensive
It's even very pricey (and time consuming) to load yourself. Special components, wads, fillers and the shot itself is VERY expensive. I shoot Boss bismuth and have a bunch of tungsten #8 hand loads that I use for cripples (especially divers) on the water. Those crips on the water (especially big water) can get very expensive ...... quick!
I used 20ga #5's for wild pheasants this year, and they worked well. I'd like to use them for ducks, but it's cost prohibitive for me for waterfowl.
Just on a note. I may have mentioned it, but I have a cervical fusion in my neck and have extreme nerve pain. I have dropped all of my rifle calibers to accommodate. I was very nervous about shooting a shotgun due to the pain. I bought a Beretta A300 20 gauge and installed a Limbsaver recoil pad. I went and shot a few rounds of trap today and it was a dream to shoot. Very comfortable with 2 3/4 inch loads. I also got a CZ Quail in 20 gauge. I pulled the recoil pad off and added a slip on Limsaver. Not as a soft shoot as the Beretta, but I could handle it shooting 15 or 20 times upland bird hunting. Ducks and dove, definitely the Beretta.
I have two brand new Mossberg 12 gauge shotguns in my safe I have never even shot. A waterfowl and turkey model. Those are heading to the gun shop for a trade or sale.
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A few years ago I bought a case of 3 inch 5s in 12 gauge and was very impressed on ducks. The next year bought another case and same gun same choke and I wasn't impressed. Many ducks I killed had tiny framents of pellets in them. Way more cripples. Could it be the shooter, sure but the pellets I was finding was concerning. I wish I would have taken some pictures. Many looked exactly cut in half. The last 2 years I have shot a couple cases of 4s. They were better for me. Found some small deformed pellets but very few compared to the 5s. Ran out this year and shot some steel. I know go ahead and flame away at me but I didn't see any difference. I was crushing birds out to 40 yards with steel. 3 inch number 3 rios.
A few years ago I bought a case of 3 inch 5s in 12 gauge and was very impressed on ducks. The next year bought another case and same gun same choke and I wasn't impressed. Many ducks I killed had tiny framents of pellets in them. Way more cripples. Could it be the shooter, sure but the pellets I was finding was concerning. I wish I would have taken some pictures. Many looked exactly cut in half. The last 2 years I have shot a couple cases of 4s. They were better for me. Found some small deformed pellets but very few compared to the 5s. Ran out this year and shot some steel. I know go ahead and flame away at me but I didn't see any difference. I was crushing birds out to 40 yards with steel. 3 inch number 3 rios.

You must of had a bad batch of shells.

Son and I shot 25 ducks last weekend with bismuth 5s. We have cleaned and ate 22 of those ducks to reduce our possession limit for this weekend’s hunts. We found two pieces of bismuth in 25 ducks. We were commenting to each other that bismuth must pass threw the majority of the birds. I diced a few of the ducks fine for duck chili - not one piece of shot.

Maybe we got lucky but 25 is a good example group. Mallards, widgeons, goldeneye and teal.
A few years ago I bought a case of 3 inch 5s in 12 gauge and was very impressed on ducks. The next year bought another case and same gun same choke and I wasn't impressed. Many ducks I killed had tiny framents of pellets in them. Way more cripples. Could it be the shooter, sure but the pellets I was finding was concerning. I wish I would have taken some pictures. Many looked exactly cut in half. The last 2 years I have shot a couple cases of 4s. They were better for me. Found some small deformed pellets but very few compared to the 5s. Ran out this year and shot some steel. I know go ahead and flame away at me but I didn't see any difference. I was crushing birds out to 40 yards with steel. 3 inch number 3 rios.
No one has any reason to rag you about steel. If it's doing the job for nearly half the price, I would be pretty satisfied.
I bought some Boss 20 ga that my wife used very effectively for a limit of ducks but I don't care for their politics. They recently donated $15,000 to Sporting Lead-Free, a group that wants to ban all lead shot for everything. I probably won't buy anymore from them.
I bought some Boss 20 ga that my wife used very effectively for a limit of ducks but I don't care for their politics. They recently donated $15,000 to Sporting Lead-Free, a group that wants to ban all lead shot for everything. I probably won't buy anymore from them.
I did not know that. I am sure that is a business move since they are Bismuth only. You are right, though.
I bought some Boss 20 ga that my wife used very effectively for a limit of ducks but I don't care for their politics. They recently donated $15,000 to Sporting Lead-Free, a group that wants to ban all lead shot for everything. I probably won't buy anymore from them.
Where did you see they advocate banning lead shot?

A quick google search has the following on their website:

“Sporting Lead-Free is a non-political, educational initiative working to reduce inadvertent lead consumption by wildlife and people through the voluntary choice of lead-free ammunition and tackle. We are hunters and anglers passionate about choosing lead-free in the field and share this through on-the-ground pro-outdoor recreation messaging”

They seem to advocate voluntary use of lead-free.

Here is their statement about collaboration/donations from boss:

I don’t take as an aggressive view on the lead free argument. Love lead in other hunting but it’s going to eventually go away.

Boss signed the agreement to encourage the use of bismuth to help expand his sales. Capitalism.

If you’re still upset at Boss, Kent bismuth can be bought at a lower price per shell if you watch for specials. There’s one going on now until January 31st.

The new argument then is do you support an American company (Boss🇺🇸) or a British company (Kent🇬🇧).
I don’t take as an aggressive view on the lead free argument. Love lead in other hunting but it’s going to eventually go away.

Boss signed the agreement to encourage the use of bismuth to help expand his sales. Capitalism.

If you’re still upset at Boss, Kent bismuth can be bought at a lower price per shell if you watch for specials. There’s one going on now until January 31st.

The new argument then is do you support an American company (Boss🇺🇸) or a British company (Kent🇬🇧).
Kent bismuth can be found right here in my basement. I have 49 shells I'd love to get rid of (unexploded).
The move to lead free in ammunition is inevitable whether we want it or not.

The science is there for waterfowl and is well established.

I have dealt with the folks at Boss and they are stand up people in my book. Not part of some big corporate conglomerate. At least not now.

Out performs steel in my experience

Kenetrek Boots

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