Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Borrowed Rifle

I had my back cut wide open and people using knives cutting in places that no man sould have to endure....

Out from work for 2 months, Minimum.

Wifey, Mom-in-Law, and MOM, all in the house at the same time. "Mother Hen" syndrome gone ugly galactic, to say the least !!

All I remember is the the "Don't"...

Don't do that...
Don't sleep that way...
Don't Move.....

After a week of that BS, I picked up the phone and called my Best Man. " Get your A$$ over here and get me the F' outta here" !
And he did.

I took the old standby, Rem 600. .308 out on the patio and took a shot. "OH.... HE** NO" !
30 min later, I took s shot with my Marlin .35 Rem., OK.....I can do this.

Females were pissed like there were 19 full moon,'s all coming into convergence, at the same time, but Bill packed me up in his Jeep and off we went.

Turns out, when we got to camp, my CO was there. (Those guys took better care of me than all the "Hens" back home ever would have imagined, and it pissed 'em off pretty good too).

Skipper handled me a Rem 700, 7mm/08, Mountain rifle, and ordered me to use it . A piece of Joy and Wonder. Light, just right, and I never felt it recoil. (of course I was shooting at game, at the time)

Long story, longer. Ladder stand, deep in, by a swamp creek, 2 shots, 2 whitetails in about 2 minutes !! AND I didn't even have to drag them out !! (Billy, I know that water was Oh So Cold! )

That is what 'Friends' do................
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Hip replaced on Oct1 last fall. 2 friends helped me get to a ladder stand on Nov 12th when doc and wifey said I should be at home resting. Little basket rack came by at 4 pm. Downed him with the bow and 2 buddies dragged him out for me. Life is good when you have friends. Thanks Pat and Larry
Well my buddy stopped by today to drop off the rifle i was going to borrow. To my surprise he handed me a brand new rifle still in the box and told me it was mine. He had gone out yesterday and bought a rifle for me. I was speechless. I am so grateful and lucky to have such a great friend. Here is my new Browning X-Bolt in 270 win
Once in a life friend you have there, wow!
Down the road be sure to pass on the kindness and good fortune to someone as worthy as you must have been.
Well my buddy stopped by today to drop off the rifle i was going to borrow. To my surprise he handed me a brand new rifle still in the box and told me it was mine. He had gone out yesterday and bought a rifle for me. I was speechless. I am so grateful and lucky to have such a great friend. Here is my new Browning X-Bolt in 270 win
Wow, I need some more friends like that. You see that Dink?
Well to have a friend like that, you have to be a friend like that. Some day I am sure you will repay him in spades. Good luck with that rifle this fall and show us some pics!
i can tell by the way you told your story,and by how concerned you were about your friend, he will get paid back ten fold. now get out there and chase some animals around, good luck
Goes to show there is still true brotherhood out there. Someone else is going to benefit from meeting you someday, because of the generosity of a friend Hawkeye. Because you know that feeling of havingfg someone come through for you beyond the call of duty, I'm sure you will pass along a favor or six in the same manner.

So folks, understand that when you do a favor for someone that that generosity will color the way someone treats other people in their life. If we had enough other people lending and giving rifles to folks in the same manner, we wouldn't be complaining about how hunter numbers are slipping.

Thanks Hawkeye for showing us there is still good inthe Hunting community.
hey guys thanks again for all the kind words. just wanted to give an update to the story. a couple weeks ago my neighbor Blake told me his 16 year old son had recently completed hunter safety and was really interested in going hunting. He asked if i could take his son along with me as neither of them had ever hunted before. I offered to take them both along and offered them the use of my rifle because they didnt have one. They got their deer tags and we went to the range and they got familiar with the rifle and shot until we were all comfortable with them taking shots out to 200 yards. The next morning we piled in the truck and off we went. To make a long story short the both made great 150 yard shots on two fine 3x3 mule deer bucks. It was awesome to see the excitement and happiness on both their faces and they were thrilled they got to do it together. They are already talking about getting ready for next year! Blake has the pics on his camera and is supposed to email them to me. I will post them up here if its ok with him. It was an awesome experience and i cant wait to be able to share the same excitement with my kids and make some great memories
I guess it really comes down to hunt or don't hunt. Which will it be....and don't be weird!
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