
Borders * Language * Culture


Dec 4, 2003
Tumwater, Washington
Below is some information on the Paul Revere Society. I thought some of you might be interested in joining the organization. You can read more about the non-profit organization at

I wonder if some of the minutemen are members? Are there any Hunt Talk members that belong to PRS? I'm thinking about joining, but I'm not sold on #3 of their 8-point program.


The United States is threatened and the PRS stands for the reassertion of our borders, our language, and our traditional culture. <O:p</O:p

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Some say that the borders are arbitrary. English is only one of many languages in our new "Multicultural America," and that we share no common history or values.<O:p</O:p

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We believe in the Sovereignty of our Nation.That English is our national "glue." And that we all do share in the pillars of the Bible, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. These documents and what they stand for are our common cultural heritage. The PRS supports the great traditions of America.<O:p</O:p

The Paul Revere Society 8-Point Program

1. Support Traditional Marriage
2. Close the Borders now.
3. Deport all illegal immigrants now.
4. Eliminate bilingual education in all states.
5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants.
6. Make tax cuts permanent.
7. End Affirmative Action
8. Tort Reform – Stop Class Action Lawyers.
Sounds great, cjcj might join up if he hasn't already. :D

As for me I give enough money to the RMEF, the MDF, and the NRA.

I think I'll just ignore the problem and hope it goes away like most politicians. :D
Yeah, I think Savage started it. I've missed hearing his show lately.........I wonder if he's had anything to say about the minutemen?
Curly- I don't want to go back to British Rule; for that matter wearing a breach cloth and hunting buffalo speaking navajo living in a teepee doesn't sound too fun either....But I guess if you really want to get back to the "original" language culture and... well... there really weren't any borders at that time. Of course the Spanish were the first (after native americans), and according to some historians we should really speak norwegian since they predate the Spanish.... Which original would you like to use...

As Will Rogers said `My ancestors didn't come over on the Mayflower, but they met the boat.'
I don't know what British rule has to do with the Paul Revere Society.

Matt, your point is well taken about "original language and culture". I don't want to go back to Native American culture, Scandanavian, Spanish, or anything else either.

I think the reference to culture mainly has to do with point #1 (traditional marriage) For example, society would not want you and JoseQueervo marrying each other.:eek:

In the United States of America almost all of us speak english. English should be the official langauge of the U.S. Other people that come here should be expected to learn our langauge in order to communicate with us.
So it is a group to impose morals and behaviour on private citizens? Is that the new GOP platform to have the government meddling in private lives of its citizens? That would be scary that the government tells you how to speak, what your family is supposed to look like, etc....

Sounds like another group of Bigots trying to create more Hate.

Hey Curly, you ever come up with any information on the Illegal Aliens voting, or were you just making shit up?
I think when you read that list it does sound a bit extreme, but really most of that stuff is just common sense. It's kind of like how Mexico doesn't try to accomodate us, or anybody else, in their country. The only thing on that list I really can't agree with and/or don't understand is "make tax cuts permanent." :confused:

How is that possible? Haven't they heard of inflation?
I agree with PRR except #2, as it deals with both legal and illegal immigration and everyone being able to fish Canada and drink tequila in Mexico. #3 is a pipe dream as they are undocumented and very difficult to find (much less deport). #4, I think the more education you get to people the better (if you want them to learn English, they don't get it by osmosis). #5 great we don't get health tests for AMERICAN born people, now you want us to get health tests for all immigrants. I'd hate to have a health test everytime I went to Canada... #6 Tax cuts permanent, that would be great...then the US could be in even more debt. Hell, why don't we all just not pay any taxes. Screw all those stupid government programs like....military spending, school systems, highway department,etc. Great Idea. #7 Ending affirmative action would be great. Why have any equality in the workplace. They didn't need it in the 1800s. Ending the reverse discrimination I would agree, not affirmative action. #8 Tort reform--get rid of lawyers and their frivolous lawsuits against companies like WR Grace who created an Asbestos superfund...Great Idea, those pesky class action lawsuits to make us safe are horrible. Who wants to live so long anyways...

Yep, PRR has one helluva program I would like to join. Sign me up...just not today.
JoseCuervo said:
So it is a group to impose morals and behaviour on private citizens? Is that the new GOP platform to have the government meddling in private lives of its citizens? That would be scary that the government tells you how to speak, what your family is supposed to look like, etc....

Sounds like another group of Bigots trying to create more Hate.

Hey Curly, you ever come up with any information on the Illegal Aliens voting, or were you just making shit up?

It does sound like a group of bigots at first glance, but I really don't know much about the group which is why I was hoping someone on here had some inside info on the group.

I'm not a bigot and I agree with their 8 points except that deporting all illegal aliens would not be practical so I don't see how they can have #3 on the list.

Also, don't worry it's not a GOP platform.........they want open borders and don't want to deport illegals.

I don't know if the group would like government to impose their views??? I don't think their views should be imposed by government, but I do like their views.

Anyway Jose, to answer your question........I was making shit up if you consider my opinion to be making shit up. I don't have facts to back up my statement about democrats wanting illegals to enter the country, its just what it seems like to me. It seems that the Dems want illegals in the country and are hoping that by letting the illegals in that they will gain votes by the Hispanics that already live in this country legally. Also, if amnesty is granted, then the illegals will be able to vote.

I will do a search for reasons why the Democrats want to allow illegal immigration. I may not have time to post my results today but I'll post the results later (cut and paste) so that you know I'm not making shit up.
That's rich, Jose' Queervo is asking somebody for supporting material. Why don't you provide some of your own???
Fairy-has-been: I am male and have been in a traditional marriage for 8 years. Sorry...I'm already taken. If you notice the only part of the 8 step program I agreed with was the traditional marriage. It seems in this day and age to be one area there is not enough attention paid. I believe the higher divorce rate is one of the largest problems in the US. You can take illegal immigration, increase population, etc. but the moral fiber that was once taught at homes with two parents has eroded tremendously. It's a lot easier to divorce, move on, and pay child support. IMO this is the largest problem (It can be seen in the schools, businesses, homes, crime rate, etc.)
I usually do not post in here, but I do not agree with most of those!!

1. Support Traditional Marriage

2. Close the Borders now. -- this country was built on immigration and if we stopped welcoming the less fortunate from other coutries... how hippocrytical would we be?

3. Deport all illegal immigrants now. -- Why not allow them to continue working as they have been doing while they have been here? They are just trying to do the same thing you are, make a better life for their families!!

4. Eliminate bilingual education in all states. -- bilingual education is not a requirement for high school graduation, but it is a necessity to get into a four year college. Knowing another language allows for better pay in the job world, even if you never use a word of it.

5. Require health tests for all recent foreign born immigrants. --Why? Most of the diseases from around the world are already here, it would be pointless.

6. Make tax cuts permanent. -- that is just not possible, the value of things fluctuates everyday, taxing acts as a balance beam for an otherwise lacking economy.

7. End Affirmative Action -- So, minorities and women should not have equal employment and educational oppotunities?

8. Tort Reform – Stop Class Action Lawyers. -- Why shouldnt the "little guys" ban together to go after big businesses that are screwing them over?
OL, just wanna say one thing. Affirmative action does not give women and minorities equal employment opportunites. It gives them preference over other people who are just as (or more) qualified to do a particular job. At least, that is what it used to mean for jobs with the state of Washington. They put an end to affirmative action a few years back, but it used to be that women and minorities would have a number of points added to their test score, so many times the more qualified applicants wouldn't even get an interview. :mad:
I am not a member, but i have seen their website a while back,,,, I`m involved in many groups already.. but i agree with 86.9999% of their mission.. And i very much agree with Mike Savage on immigration...they have my moral support [might send them a few bucks] thanks Curly. hump
In regards to Traditional Marriage; for those in one how does someone in a non-traditional marriage effect your marriage? The rationale that I've heard more than once is the payment of benefits. If that's the case, what about couples in traditional marriage that are milking the system? Should lazy/mooching folks be entitled to benefits just because they are in a traditional marriage? I'd bet that the # of folks that would be given benefits in a non-traditional marriage would pale in comparison to those abusing the system that are in traditional marriages.

Besides, where do we draw the line on traditional? Homosexual relationships aren't new (ie Rome and Greece a LONG time ago).
1-pointer- Speaking of Greece and Rome (BC and into AD), pedofilia was an accepted way of learning sexuality. The original "Bath houses". I don't think that was a good idea. Some things have changed for the better since then. Greece and Rome society was great in advancing science, mathematics, art, etc., etc.

If the state wants to grant anyone the right to marry, do you propose any boundaries? Should anyone be able to marry anyone else or anything else? What would the definition of marriage imply? My point isn't to be completely sarcastic but I believe marriage should mean something. It should have distinction. Anymore, I would agree that the term is lessened by the Dennis Rodman's, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez etc. etc. of the world. It means nothing to these people as they marry and divorce before the week is up. It has no meaning. However, to me it does. It means a man and woman vowing their love for one another in holy wedlock. It is a lifetime commitment to one another that is blessed by a holy power. I'm not a religious zealot by no means, but that is what it means to me. My parents, My grandparents and great grandparents have all had this same type of marriage. This is the reason I believe in "traditional marriage".
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