Caribou Gear Tarp


Sorry John but the Eagles just aren't the same without Wentz. Sure they beat my Falcons but we have a history of choking in the playoffs. (See last year's Superbowl) Minnesota is a solid team on both sides of the ball that won't be beaten by a backup QB. If Wentz was there I would say you would win it all.

Looks like I'll be eating these words!
Dang it....

There is a public land hunting twist to this pitiful Vike's story.......
I grew up in a non-hunting but rabid Vikes household. At eight years old I witnessed the first Superbowl lost to the Chiefs, really can't remember it - but it had to have left a mark in my subconscious. In the next 7 years I do remember 3 more big game chokes. At about 13 years old around 1975, I started becoming a hunting addict. 1977, my purple boys lost their 4'th and last superbowl appearance. By then I was already converting from a Sunday Vikes watcher to a Sunday ruff grouse hunter.
I'm pretty sure the Vikes are what gave me my hunting lifestyle:D.
Almost 50 years later, and many many Vikings "performances", I hardly watch 'em anymore - and when I do, the final to their season is always the same......
Doesn't even phase me anymore.
Boy I can't wait til September again - not for purple - but for blue (grouse season that is).
But, hey - still time left to score, what, 4 TD's...........
Well I guess there are worse ways to loose. Just ask Sean Payton and the Saints.

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