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Books Cliffs muzz hunt


I've forgot to mention the quality of elk I'd been seeing. A LOT of elk here as well with some very good quality. Many big bulls were broken up, but man, 300" bulls were very common. The largest I saw was a 7x8 with the front 4 on both sides broken up. I also saw bear, wild stupid horses which I have no love for, and one gnarly old bull buffalo all by himself in some very rugged cliffs...not where I'd expect a bison to be living.

Thursday continued....

After lunch, a nap, and some cold water, I was ready for the evening hunt. I knew where the buck was bedded. He chose a thick oak brush thicket that was 6 feet high. I set up in the hot afternoon sun on a vantage point above the thicket and picked it apart trying to confirm his location. Finally, as the sun dipped below the horizon I saw those white antlers. He was feeding toward his knob where he'd bedded this morning. With minutes remaining of shooting light I ran and covered the 400 yards and poked my head over the ridge. There he was, bedded on his knob at exactly 92 yards!

An easy shot, as just the day before I grouped 3 shots into 5" at that range. I steadied and fired.

The buck bounded down the ridge. No whack, no thwack, no sign of a hit. It was last light and I decided to vacate and come back in the morning.
Thursday night the Utah ATV parade shows up.

The enitire state of Utah showed up. For each tag holder there was a supporting posse of 6. All with ATV's, side by sides, etc.

I fretted most of the night. I do believe I missed the shot. I've never not been able to hear the impact of a muzzleloader. I was shooting the NEF inline with 350 grain bullets and 100 grains of Pyrodex. That should have thumped at impact.


I head out early with intent of checking the area for sign of a hit. I get there before light and wait.....I hear deer sounds. The quiet mewing, followed by antlers on brush...they are close.

As light gathers, I start glassing. And pooped my pants just a little when I saw giant white antlers at about 60 yards. HE IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!

I grab the rifle by the barrel and felt something felt odd. I looked at the rear sites, and they are literally hanging off the side of the rifle. Yep, the rear sites are completely loose on the rifle. No wonder I missed last night. I was sick. Buck of a lifetime is in archery range, and I have no rifle to shoot accurately. I put the rifle down got out the video camera and took some video of the big buck feeding away. All is not lost. I just need to bed the buck down...go back to camp...get the TC Renegade and kill this buck tonight.

Then I heard the ATV's. 2 of them on the ridge about 1/2 mile away. The buck bolts. I curse at my rifle, my stupidity for not checking the rifle after the miss, I curse at the ATVs....etc.

I talk to the ATVers. Nice folks. One has a cool spotting scope mount built right into the handlebars. That way he doesn't ever have to dismount. I looked at some other deer and trudged back to camp.

Holy frigging ATV parade. My favorite sighting of the day was a lifted F350 with an ATV in the bed, with a person on the ATV while stealthily Powerstroking through the area. I tried to remain upbeat, but I had just porked my opportunity of a lifetime.

I set out Friday evening with the TC and tried to find the big boy. I had tunnel vision for him only. I treated all other deer with disdain. I did not see him.

Saturday big buck. I drove home Saturday afternoon to attend a church meeting with my two oldest boys, did some laundry, etc.

Sunday morning I headed back and stopped off at Oak's house to let him view the video. I wanted his opinion this buck to see if I was getting all hopped up about nothing. He confirmed that I was, indeed an idiot.

Didn't see the monster Sunday night. Nor Monday. Nor Tuesday morning. I considered finding another big buck, but I wanted this one. I wanted to wrap my hands around those heavy sword beams. I methodically searched the surrounding areas for him. He'd simply dissapeared.

Tuesday weather showed with a vengance. Heavy rain and wind, followed by fog/clouds. Tuesday evening hunt I had 50 yards visibility so I hunted, braile method. I had the heavy 4 at 30 yards and I wasn't even tempted to kill him.

Wednesday weather was the same. Heavy fog. I bumbled/stumbled around hoping to bump into him. I returned to camp soaking wet, cold, and glum. I sat in the 4runner and warmed up during lunch and listened to the radio. Winter Storm Warning issued for the Book Cliffs area. 10" of snow likely. I made a few calls. Best case scenario I had until Wednesday night to hunt, as I had to work Thursday.

As the rain turned to snow, I decided to pull the plug. I piled my wet camp in the car and headed out.

The hunt gave me everything I could have asked for. I could only ask for one chance at a buck like that, which I did get.

The Book Cliffs area is amazing. There are some bombers in there. I'll be applying again.

I'm bummed about the outcome, but I sure did have fun.

I'm certainly more educated about field judging muleys now. It will come in handy one month from now when I've a rifle in my hands hunting CO unit 61 which is known for some bomber bucks.
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Wow, what a great story. I wish your luck had been better. Thanks for sharing.
and you are crazy, I would have checked and double and triple checked every time I left camp that the sights were good... but some some opportunities it sounds like, good luck with the rifle... sorry that you didn't get too harvest that bomber of a buck....
Bum deal.

Easy come easy go. At least you didn't spend the last 6 months dreaming about this hunt. If it was easy and all worked out every time it wouldn't be much fun.
T-bone.... great story. I am sure you did........ however, did you go back and check for blood on your shot or you are sure it was the same buck from the night before??? Would have loved o seen that monster!!! Once more great story.

good luck to all
the dog
Tbone, sounds like a great hunt. I commend you for sticking it out and holding out for that monster. You will be rewarded mightily on your co hunt. Good luck and shoot straight. Don't let the equipment failure bother you. It happens to everyone at some point. You can double triple check all you want for all we know it happened just before you got ready for the shot.

Good luck bud and if you need any pointers on 61 give me a call and I'll try my best to help you out.
Great story T-bone and sorry you weren't able to capitalize on the monster. Thanks for sharing ...the rrrrrrrrest of the story with us.
Congrats on a great hunt and story. Way to stick with it. Sometimes all is right when you puller the trigger and you think the shot feels good and a person still misses!! Good luck in 61.
Thanks for sharing. One thing I find funny about the "ATV parade" is how many Utahns will disavow that they happen!!
Great write up. I had a nice picture in my mind of the F350 with the ATV in back powerstroking its way through. It is tough to keep a good attitude when crap like that happens.