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Boned out weight??

Something's off Goldtip...
That's how we weigh most our deer, and figure you double it to get an approximation on live weight.
The highest we've ever got was on a 7 1/2 year old hog of a whitey, he weighed 142...
One more "I've seen this" instance. I went to a meat cutter to get some meat ground and he had a 12 yr old bull from Condon, in the Seeley/Swan hanging there. Had the weights, but dont remember what they were. Just the quarters hanging... they were ridiculously huge...I am sure the rear quarters with the hock were like 165# or so...

When I cut an elk up in the field, I take the back strap off all the way back over the rump, robbing the rear quarter of a good portion of meat (maybe 10#??)... my rears, WITH the hock/hoof intact, weighed 52#... Most my other bulls, without the hock/hoof were 60-65#....

Front shoulders were a whopping 45#....
The biggest elk i've ever seen killed and we packed out was a little over 250 lbs of straight deboned meat.

This may be of little value but the bull i killed this year was a pretty big old bull and i got 40 lbs of steak and burger meat off of just one hind quarter (so this is all boned and trimmed to perfection:)

The original quarter was not weighed with bone in but i'm guessing it was in that 90 lb range.

Long story short, bones weigh a lot! NO reason to pack them:):)
The body on the bull I killed this year was quite huge. No ryhme or reason, wasn't even an old elk. My buddy who helped me pack it out used to be a guide in the Bob. The first words out of his mouth when he walked up on it, "What the f$%# have you done?". He said it was one of the biggest bodied bulls he had ever seen. I had 225+ pounds conservatively speaking, just from 4 legs and backstraps. Had another bit of a bag of neck meat and pickings.
Then my bull last year, same spot, literally, was nothing but a glorified mule deer.
318 lbs of deer meat alone? That would be an 800-900lb deer. :D You sure that wasn't an Ilama?

LOL. Ok, OK, sorry guys, yes that was a whole deer carcass. Didn't mean for it to sound like it was meat only. Just meat and bones. That buck came from real close to where you went to High School Draht.
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LOL. Ok, OK, sorry guys, yes that was a whole deer carcass. Didn't mean for it to sound like it was meat only. Just meat and bones. That buck came from real close to where you went to High School Draht.

So including hide and head right?
So including hide and head right?

No, as I stated in the very first post, no head, no hide, no guts. We had a cow elk I had killed the week before hanging in the cooler as well that weighed 308, same thing, no head, no hide, no guts. These both included all bones, back bones, neck bones, shoulder bones, pelvis, rib bones. This Mulie was nothing short of huge. This probably happened in say 78-80, somewhere in there. These were hanging weights on a butcher scale that had come out of an old Safeway store, we had the whole meat department from the old Safeway installed in the bottom floor, front half of our barn with a 12x14 walk in cooler and we did a lot of butchering, wild game, beef, pigs and 250 chickens every year. We weighed every animal we took in, cuz it was getting charged for.
LOL. Ok, OK, sorry guys, yes that was a whole deer carcass. Didn't mean for it to sound like it was meat only. Just meat and bones. That buck came from real close to where you went to High School Draht.

Yeah, seems like the closer you get to there, the mulies take on features of small ponies.:eek: And they stink more too.:D
I bone all my elk and best i every got 225 and avg 180. I weighted some bones one time just to see with hoof on 14 pounds hind 11 front.Its worth it to bone them out for me.
No, as I stated in the very first post, no head, no hide, no guts. We had a cow elk I had killed the week before hanging in the cooler as well that weighed 308, same thing, no head, no hide, no guts. These both included all bones, back bones, neck bones, shoulder bones, pelvis, rib bones. This Mulie was nothing short of huge. This probably happened in say 78-80, somewhere in there. These were hanging weights on a butcher scale that had come out of an old Safeway store, we had the whole meat department from the old Safeway installed in the bottom floor, front half of our barn with a 12x14 walk in cooler and we did a lot of butchering, wild game, beef, pigs and 250 chickens every year. We weighed every animal we took in, cuz it was getting charged for.

Ok, now answer this...what was on his head???
Yeah, seems like the closer you get to there, the mulies take on features of small ponies.:eek: And they stink more too.:D

Yeah they do stink for sure, pretty sure we made that one into nothing but thuringer if I recall correct. Smelled like rut and alder brush from start to finish. Guy who killed him was from Fortine.
Ok, now answer this...what was on his head???

Nothing gargantuan. He was maybe 24 wide, but real heavy horned, 4pt if I remember correct. Definitely an older buck for sure. He was just a big, thick buck with no neck, his chest just extended out to his head. I will have to ask my Dad about how nice a rack it was, he may remember more.
My wife and I shot 2 cows in the early nineties up near the divide. took em home, boned em, kept a couple roasts and took the rest to Glenwood in Idaho Falls. I got charged for 433 lbs of meat.