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Bolt action .22 LR recommendation

Head on over to https://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/ for more discussion about any rimfire than you could ever care to read. They're partial to 10/22s but there's tons on bolt guns too. For my 2 kip I think the CZ is the most well made bolt gun at a very moderate price, or maybe they aren't so moderately priced anymore, used to be, old world workmanship.
Ruger American Rimfire, uses the same mags as the 10/22, and it is pretty dang accurate. Cut a coil off the trigger spring, put a Leupold 2.5x scope on it and go have fun. Got one for my wife set up like that and it is her pest rifle, she loves it.
Seeing you already own a 10/22 I suggest getting a .17 HMR if this is for scoped rifle practice and prairie dogs. Lots of options at affordable prices, I have a Marlin witha heavier barrel which is an absolute tack driver. It was a great tool in teaching my boys accurate shooting and preparing for big game. Being able to stretch the distance with the .17 was bad news for ground squirrels around here.
I am going to buy a bolt action .22 LR to hopefully help my wife practice getting onto target faster and pulling the trigger sooner. We will either shoot targets or prairie dogs. She shoots a Ruger American now and I could get one in .22 LR but wondered if anybody has better experience or suggestions in that same price range? Savages look nice too but I already have a 10/22 so have plenty of magazines. Thoughts ?

If you have plenty of magazines, get another 10-22. They're awfully tough to beat. But I did pick up a sweet CZ 572 American bolt action 22. The thing is a shooter. I'm shooting quarter sized groups at 100 yds with 7 shots.
Thanks all! I will be looking a few. I have a 10/22 and a marlin from my childhood. I am wanting to replicate a big game shooting situation so will stick to bolt action for that reason. I may have to buy 2 because my wife needs a youth model and they just look damn fun to shoot. For the price point, may start with both a Savage and Ruger. I be looking at the sales coming up and snag one here soon. The .17 sounds like a good idea too!
My Marlin 880 is the first gun I ever owned and probably the last I'll ever sell.
Whatever you do, agreed with the idea of buying great and beautiful in a 22 -- it'll likely get used more than the other stuff.
My Marlin 880 is the first gun I ever owned and probably the last I'll ever sell.
Whatever you do, agreed with the idea of buying great and beautiful in a 22 -- it'll likely get used more than the other stuff.
Same here. I remember seeing an ad for the 880SS (stainless/synthetic version) in Outdoor Life, and ordered it through the local hardware store. It is a fantastic little rifle, I would be scared to guess how many squirrels, rabbits, grouse I have taken with it in the last 30ish years.
One piece of advice… make sure that you are still practicing dry firing and working the bolt with the centerfire. I work with lots of new/young/inexperienced shooters, and short-stroking the bolt is a real problem in the heat of the moment if they have been practicing with a rimfire.

Rimfires are great for cheap, low-recoil, low noise practice and plinking, and I’d recommend having most shooting be done with them. I no longer own a bolt action rimfire (I plan to fix that transgression sometime in the future), but I have kids to practice “working the bolt” between shots to get ready for the real deal, then I have them to end the shooting session with dry firing and working the bolt on the centerfire (running it all the way to the stop at the back) in real-world field positions.
Tikka T1X or CZ 457 gets my vote.
Savage Mark 2s are usually tack drivers, but are plagued with feeding issues. Mine took a lot of tinkering to get it to feed and extract reliably.
Thanks all! I will be looking a few. I have a 10/22 and a marlin from my childhood. I am wanting to replicate a big game shooting situation so will stick to bolt action for that reason. I may have to buy 2 because my wife needs a youth model and they just look damn fun to shoot. For the price point, may start with both a Savage and Ruger. I be looking at the sales coming up and snag one here soon. The .17 sounds like a good idea too!

If you can find a 77/22, that will use the same mags as your 10/22. And the weight of the 77/22 is pretty close to a bigger rifle.
The 77/22 is my all-time favorite.
I had a 77/22 years ago and traded it for a Winchester model 255. I've always been a lever action fan and that 255 was an oddity for the area I lived in. (I also sold it years later for three times the price that the gun shop I traded at had it priced at). But I still miss that 77/22. The action was smooth as butter and the gun was just beautiful. It was also a tack driver. Too bad I could never talk myself into leaving the shotgun at home during squirrel season!
Cz 452, 457. Both good shooters.

I'm a lefty and run a 452. I did the trigger upgrade and the firing pin spring upgrade. Also chopped the barrel 3 inches and threaded for suppressor.
Is you can find a marlin 880-sq buy it. You wont be disappointed.

On judgement day, I'll have to answer to god for all of the animals I have killed with mine...
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