Elkgunner - If ya go this weekend and drop the Daddy bear, give me a call, I'll help ya carry it out! Moosie has my cell #.

Thanks for the luck, now we just need bears!
We all have our burdens to bear....

Now I have to go shopping for Sunscreen and a new golf glove....

The only thing good out of all this is a pair of Business Class tickets to South Africa for a little hunting, next spring.... thanks to an excessive Mileage Plus balance.

Maybe I can find a blonde over in Hawaii...

Should I post the picture of Blondie (Hawaiin style) in this thread, or down in the Adult section???

Are you guys carrying food and film in tonight?
Yep! Probably the Adult Section!

We have film and food, will restock the site.

I do believe we are leaving in a few minutes!!!!!
JB Florida, ElkGunner Jsut flew back from JAPAN at 3PM today.. Went to the Office, Went to the Store, I met him around 6:30 downtown and hewlped him load the Boat, and he was OFF... I'm staying up till 11:30 to see if I get a call from him... Fingers are crossed !!! I'm guessing little or big, A cool looking bear will get Wacked if it comes in

PS, THANX for the Camera Use man, That was Truely an AWSOME deal this year, I'm guessing you just made Kodack Film company a few More bucks in it's stock Because We're burning through Chitloads
... And next year I'm guesing we'll have a few more cameras around here... THANX AGAIN MAN !!! that was truely nice of you to send it !!!
Now that was quite a day! Did ya shoot at any of those elephants????

Maybe that Blondie got enough of the Elk Turd, and will be satisfied for many months! OK, didn't see S*#T either!

Let me know if you need any help with dragging out the Blondie this weekend!

Welcome back to Idaho!

Oh, and yes, Moosie needs to go find a lighter boat! I can't believe you two drag that thing down, and then back up yourselves!!!
No Prob on the camera guys!

I got a kick out of the bears pics, we only get deer coons and tresspassers here in bammy

Lets get together and build a couple that are digital to save all that one hour money
and film. It can be a group thing

Just say if you are in and we will figure out where to go from there.

At least you KNOW the are bears around!
That is a seriously LONG DAY
How much TUSK did the elephant have?
JB, I spent up to $7 a roll (forgot some and bought at a chevron
) I've developed maybe 5 rolls with Doubles (At about $10 a roll) so I'm into Film alone at $70-$100. So count me in for the Digi camera.. HELL, When I start adding shit up on what I've spent on Bait too.. Uhhh I should just hire a guide every year and save thousands !!!

ElkGUNNER, ya big PUSS, I haul that thing up and down the hill all the time, I just take the 250 HP motor of each time ya dork
So whats your thoughts on the Site.. Is it going dormant ? Did you pic up the camera pics or had nothng hit it ?
I think I will check site S or D, or what ever the hell we call it now, today. And check the timer. If nothing is hitting it, I will likely pull the bait tag and the timer, and any clean up.

As for Site C, I am thinking we had too much activity. Monday killing, Tuesday Packing, Wednesday and Thursday watching. We had actually never spent very much time in there in the evenings. I don't know. Just guessing.

I wonder if they got spooked. I did pull the film, but I think it was at 8, after taking two pictures of me

The site is full of bait, and I am thinking we should let it sit for a few days. I put some more Anise out, so maybe the smell will pull them back in.
should have left the film... 2 pictures were of me too

DID you see the hound tracks down by the river ? Do you think Gato was up there tryingto find us

CALL me, I'll be driving but should have the Cell on me, give me the Stats on the site. MAybe next week I'll go sit on the site with ya if'n ya want ? Or Elkturd or Wylee....

I'm thinking the theory of BAiting the HELL out of a site, then Just leaving it the Hell alone for a few weeks is the Way to go, With Dolly for Smell, 300#'s of bagged Groceries and I don't know how many bread bags.... then leaving it the hack alone, I think that was a key maybe too ?!?!? HELL, I don't know...
I think I am in agreement with you on the activity. So, that leads to more conclusions.

#1 You can set up sites farther from home, as you will only need to re-stock them every 10 days, if you put 500#'s in each time.

#2 More sites is better, then you always have somewhere to hunt, without the same spot 2-3 times in a week.

#3 Make sure ATV's can't get there.

#4 Make sure Gato and the other dog guys can't get there.

#5 Get a lighter damn boat.

#6 I need to do a better job on the meat acquiring. Remember to save the scraps from butchering cattle on the ranch, and freeze them. Plus the other idea that was more milk realted.

#7 Probably 4 guys of bait carrying, maybe 4 good sites.

#8 Don't get anxious if activity takes 2 weeks to start.

#9 And finally, it is difficult to hunt bears AND rack up 65000 miles of frequent flier time...
12:05am when I rolled into the trailer park here at home..... This has truly been the longest day. I started Thursday morning in Japan, and woke up Japan time at 4am.(1pm Wednesday in Boise) Traded a few posts with Moosie and ElkTurd, went for my morning run (think of "Godzilla Attacks Tokyo" movie) out on the sidewalks of a dang big city. Few more posts, checked out at 8am Thursday, and took a taxi to the train station.

A 40 minute train ride to the city I was meeting at, then another Taxi to the Offices. 3 hours of intense/painful/aggravating meetings, and then back in the Taxi to the station. I caught a 12:13 train back into Tokyo, and made a really slick transfer at one of the enroute stations to an Express Train, and got to the ShinJuku station about 12.50pm, still on Thursday (maybe 9pm in Boise).

Then I got the Narita Express train to the Airport for a 70 minute ride to the airport. (No, the Tokyo airport is no anywhere near Tokyo.)

Taking a few shortcuts though the Narita airport, got me to check in, immigration, and then the United Red Carpet Lounge. Checked the pages, and saw no news form Elkturd.
Then went and took a shower and changed clothes.

5pm departure for the 9 hour flight back to Seattle, and by the magic of time changes, arrived in Seattle about 9.30am on Thursday. A little bit of sleep on the Airplane, as best I could.

The Sea-Tac aiport Gods were smiling, and I was first on my flight to clear Immigration, made it thru Customs without the Strip search
, and then caught the quick shuttle bus to Horizon's terminal.

With a bit of charm, as that is all I have, I was able to talk the gate agent into letting me on the earlier flight, and arrived back to Boise at Noon. (Damn it is hot here...

Swung by the office for "just a minute", and checked the to see if Elkturd killed Blondie
, Called Moosie, and made arrangements to get the boat about 3pm.

3:30 hours later, I finally was able to extricate myself from all the "important issues
) that needed my attention (keep in mind, my day had started 26 hours earlier....)

Drove 30 minutes to the house to get my bear huntin' stuff (as if it works...), checked the mail, etc.. etc.. and headed to Boise to find Moosie.

Unfortunately, somebody had a wreck, and knocked out the power to the Stoplights and my Cell phone tower, so communication and meeting Moosie was gonna be suspect, at best.

Finally found Moosie, and then got caught up on the Bait sites. Moosie gave me a bit more information on his bear, and I am thinking Pope and Young....6.30pm...

Got back into the traffic, and inched along past the wreck site, and then hit the open road, to the great outdoors of Idaho.

Saw deer out along the road, feeding near the main highway. Saw a cow Elk that had got whacked the last couple of days (Her belly was big AND close to the ground...), and finally made it to the dirt roads.

A few more Elk feeding in the evening. It was amazing how much traffic was already out for the Holiday weekend. A Forest Circus campground that I went past was 1/2 full, and only Thursday evening.

Got to the Baitsite about 8pm, unloaded the boat, made the river crossing, and then packed in 50lbs of dogfood, Jello, Anise oil, and new film for the camera (Thanks from me also, JB).

Did the bait business, and finally got settled in about 8.45. Sat til dark, and not a single thing came in.
Oh well, considering how this day had started, and where it started, sitting in the mountains of Idaho, with the smell of pine, was good enough.

Back to the boat, an "in the dark" river crossing, and then load the pick up and head home. (Note to Moosie: I am thinking you should get a lighter boat. I don't think you are supposed to carry Bass boats to the river. Or at least remove that 250hp Mercury Engine.....)

Stayed awake for the drive home, although I was worried about it a bit, not sure when my body clock would say it is time to sleep. Saw a few more Elk, then some deer, then a fox, then a Zebra, then an Elephant, then 2 circus clowns.. (mabye I was a bit sleepy..) Couldn't call Moosie, as my Cell phone battery ran down, from all the calls I made today, after getting back to town...

So, 40 hours after Thursday, May 22 began, the day finally ended. 40 hours, 5400 miles by plane, 160 by Ford Super Duty, and 50 yards by paddle boat....

Back home, in My Own Private Idaho

But out of all this, just one question:
Hey Elkturd, Did you poke that Blonde? I had a date with her, and she stood me up. If she went home with you, I am gonna question her morals....

Yes, it is a lot of work, but it keeps you thinking about hunting, in May and April, normally down times.

I'll read on the Digital Cameras.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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