BLM proposing conservation leasing

DOI - NPS Zion can't repair a trail for 10 years until Utah Non-Profits fund $1.2M to repair the trail.

Poor stewardship of public lands and example Govt fail.

Back to question at hand. I feel allowing non-profits to have lease agreements for public lands is not in the public interest to multi-use. If any organization wants to support stewardship, access, and multi-use of public lands they can support with funding, labor, or collaboration with others.

Utah has waged this fight with organizations like SUWA for decades which do not support multiple use of public lands.
Interesting ... but not really relevant to nor supportive of your previous assertion of "allow the states to oversee management for multiple use, public access, preservation of resources."
The Utah wet tissue red herrings regarding this issue are becoming trite and blas'e.
MT 29% Federal mostly FS, NV 80% Federal mostly BLM. Apples and Potatoes.

If Interior Dept can not fund and manage Federal public lands allow the states to oversee management for multiple use, public access, preservation of resources.

So everytime I see something on private land I don't agree with, I should let the state take over control too?

Find a clue.
DOI - NPS Zion can't repair a trail for 10 years until Utah Non-Profits fund $1.2M to repair the trail.

Poor stewardship of public lands and example Govt fail.

Back to question at hand. I feel allowing non-profits to have lease agreements for public lands is not in the public interest to multi-use. If any organization wants to support stewardship, access, and multi-use of public lands they can support with funding, labor, or collaboration with others.

Utah has waged this fight with organizations like SUWA for decades which do not support multiple use of public lands.
Sounds like you need to get Mike Lee off his ass and have him fund the park service.

Non profits shouldn't pay for what your lazy congressional folks fail to.
DOI - NPS Zion can't repair a trail for 10 years until Utah Non-Profits fund $1.2M to repair the trail.

Poor stewardship of public lands and example Govt fail.

Back to question at hand. I feel allowing non-profits to have lease agreements for public lands is not in the public interest to multi-use. If any organization wants to support stewardship, access, and multi-use of public lands they can support with funding, labor, or collaboration with others.

Utah has waged this fight with organizations like SUWA for decades which do not support multiple use of public lands.
It's hard to listen to crap like this... Strip funding from agencies that manage the land, for years and years, then complain that they don't have the resources to manage them?! This has been a conscious strategy employed by many on the right, who want less federal land. And the American people are not on board (which is why sneaky chit like this is seen as necessary by the Mike Lee's of the world).
Sounds like you need to get Mike Lee off his ass and have him fund the park service.

Non profits shouldn't pay for what your lazy congressional folks fail to.
Backseat Buzz offers soundbites for the minions!!

Utah tourism promotion Mighty 5 doubled Zion attendance 2010 to 2020. Where did all that revenue go? Federal black hole!

DOI leasing public lands to non-profits is not alternative anyone who truly cares about public land and multiple use should support. If DOI can't provide stewardship then states or other public entities; counties, towns should be able to manage provided they maintain multiple use, public access, and protection of resources.
It's hard to listen to crap like this... Strip funding from agencies that manage the land, for years and years, then complain that they don't have the resources to manage them?! This has been a conscious strategy employed by many on the right, who want less federal land. And the American people are not on board (which is why sneaky chit like this is seen as necessary by the Mike Lee's of the world).

Been going on since T.R and Pinchot were around. Nothing new here.
If DOI can't provide stewardship then states or other public entities; counties, towns should be able to manage provided they maintain multiple use, public access, and protection of resources.
All it takes is funding, real simple.

Like was stated earlier, I'd like to see a town fund a fire complex.
What work has the UT delegation done to address this? Have any efforts been made to earmark a portion of revenues for park maintenance?
This is an issue. A lot of folks clamor on about the need for more trails, visitors, etc. Rarely in their plans is there anything about maintenance and enforcement.
I read a web site of retired FS employees, mostly managers, and probably some current employees using anonymous aliases. There are also a couple employees of Wild Earth Guardians etc. Seems like all the FS types have severe misgivings, all the wolf huggers love it.

Conservation is not only a use, conservation is in the DNA of all public land. Why invent a new use, when it is already a consideration of every other use. You can't dig a mine or graze cattle or fornicate with sheep if it endangers any species or otherwise threatens the conservation of the land.

Extreme advocacy groups are in love with the idea. If I wanted to conserve wolverines the best thing to do would be to exclude all people, humans are evil, except for NGO people who "do studies". Only in a very limited way, only where needed. Three part names are a dead give away.
How so? Outfitters can already get special use permits to guide on BLM, I can't think of any way this would affect hunting becoming a money game.
Limit supply?? Increased regulation increases costs to the end user

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