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BLM Directed to Implement Corner Crossing

If people make more money on private leases, then why do they lease from the Government at all? Is it because these better value private leases aren't available?
I used to work for Plumcreek, who were the biggest private landowners in the US. Plumcreek had lots of leases for range cattle in NW Montana. Plumcreek always wanted to get out of the leases, as the cattle were doing more damage than the leases were worth, to fences, creeks etc. I wonder if it's the same for the government?
I didn't say exactly that I could make more on a private lease. I said I could pay 16 dollars per AUM more and still make more money on our private. However if I was to lease a similar parcel of land from a private individual I would likely have to pay more than 16 dollars per AUM. As for why people lease public, Simple economic principle of marginal revenue greater than marginal cost. If the marginal revenue is greater than the marginal cost some one will lease it. In years when hay prices are high the cost of our forest lease is greater than the revenue, even at a 1.35 for us. When cattle prices are high or hay prices are low we do better with the forest lease. However selling the cow herd when hay is high and buy back when cattle are high would be very risky so you accept that you are going to make a loss some years. If the price of the forest lease were to increase much I would be looking to sell it to some fool.
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BLM can't just mark corners and out up a gate , given law today, that vacant be done without touching private land, if that were possible corner crossing wouldn't be the issue it is
I would guess in a lot of states there won’t be much of an impact, Montana’s opportunity at all cost management could have some real negative effects for wildlife. Unless mtfwp reign things in, all it’s going to do is make the landowner sportsman divide even greater. Landowners are the only ones keeping wildlife on the landscape at this point.
I would guess in a lot of states there won’t be much of an impact, Montana’s opportunity at all cost management could have some real negative effects for wildlife. Unless mtfwp reign things in, all it’s going to do is make the landowner sportsman divide even greater. Landowners are the only ones keeping wildlife on the landscape at this point.
Access to public lands is so much more than just hunting those lands.
Access to public lands is so much more than just hunting those lands.
Completely agree. From the aspect of hunting in Montana it will have a negative impact on wildlife. Heck I want to do it but I’m gonna let the bha gang work it out before I do it.
Right or wrong of corner crossing can be argued indefinitely. Legal is the issue. Once that is settled, then “how” becomes the issue.

I don’t see any state or federal entity contributing to getting across a corner for access, I believe it would be up to the person crossing that corner which will open another door to the landowners at that corner and how much they will continue to protest their perceived “trespass.”
Right or wrong of corner crossing can be argued indefinitely. Legal is the issue. Once that is settled, then “how” becomes the issue.

I don’t see any state or federal entity contributing to getting across a corner for access, I believe it would be up to the person crossing that corner which will open another door to the landowners at that corner and how much they will continue to protest their perceived “trespass.”
Already legal in Wyoming.

When Montana goes through the process maybe you can get your pal Kerry White to allow motorized access across the corners. He's such a champion of access and all.
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Already legal in Wyoming.

When Montana goes through the process maybe you can get your pal Kerry White to allow motorized access across the corners. He's such a champion of access and all.
Force a 65 inch wide path connecting the public corners to allow even the biggest UTV through?

It’s a total pipe dream but I’d support eliminating the corners and having the public pieces connect via a narrow path. I’d especially support it for checkboard pieces that were granted to rail companies that never built a line, morphed into a timber/real estate holding company or just simply sold it off
I would hope not many, but I could see some low brain cell individuals doing it. Would be a real chicken shit type of move that likely would open the landowner up to all kinds of other issues.
If the landowner is caught in the video supported act. Chicken shit move or not, a "smart" privatization of cornered public land mentality... To catch a land-lord (feudal pun intended) in the act, has to be a miracle of timing and Jonny on the spot with video, day or night.

We know they exist.
Why can't the BLM mark corners? What law, rule, or regulation would keep them from doing so?
They can, and should matk the corner. That doesn't make crossing it legal, that takes a law change on trespassing.

The WY case is moving us in the right direction, but we aren't there yet

BLM can't just snap their fingers and say stepping over the corner is now legal

They also can't force a trail at the corner, that WOULD impinge private property.
They can, and should matk the corner. That doesn't make crossing it legal, that takes a law change on trespassing.

The WY case is moving us in the right direction, but we aren't there yet

BLM can't just snap their fingers and say stepping over the corner is now legal

They also can't force a trail at the corner, that WOULD impinge private property.
I disagree, we are there and Ryan Semerad, the lead attorney on the federal case stated that.

It's legal in Wyoming according to him.

Federal law trumps state law, every single time.
I disagree, we are there and Ryan Semerad, the lead attorney on the federal case stated that.

It's legal in Wyoming according to him.

Federal law trumps state law, every single time.
Cant understand at this point why someone in Wyoming would think twice about Corner Crossing. Don't need BLM's permission, support or endorsement.
Cant understand at this point why someone in Wyoming would think twice about Corner Crossing. Don't need BLM's permission, support or endorsement.
Didn't the decision explain that there has to be no other way legal into the "blocked" section for corner crossing to be legal? And I would presume that someone has to make every attempt to avoid impacting private property? So much info and opinions, it is hard to get clarity, and people often create just as much clarity as they need to do what they want to do. That is what would make me nervous.
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