Blizzard for the history books?

Covered in ice here.Snowed yesterday and last night then turned to sleet/freezing rain.All the snow now has turned into 2-3" of ice everywhere.Can't drive but on main roads unless you like ice skating in a truck.First winter in years I had all outside work;taking a beating cause of it.Is it almost spring yet?
Got to go change a flat tire yesterday for my wife at 7 am at -19 degrees...............glad it wasn't windy. Here in Bozeman,MT
I know it's not quite as cold here in Oklahoma but I guarantee much more entertaining. These Okie idiots don't know how to deal with weather like this. We are the only peole I have seen with chains on their vehicle. Lots of 2wd vehicles stuck everywhere. I think the only people who are less prepared for this weather are the Texans who are trying to get ready for the superbowl. Peoplein Oklahoma are acting like 12 inches of snow around here is a crisis. I tried to take my nephews out sledding and they lasted about 5 minutes and wanted to go inside. One of them came out in a sweatshirt, no gloves, no hat, to go play in the snow. Thank god I am originally from Wyoming!
Snow/weather wise go figure. Our place in Oregon is about 5350 elevation in the mountains and we NEED snow. Stuff is continuing to melt. I checked Snotel this morning and down to 30" of wet stuff.
In Laurel, Mt this morning (and all night last night) it was -5 with a 30 mph sustained and gusts to 50... miserable cold!! The dogs water dish, which is electrically heated, froze over... 2nd time I've seen that.

Brudno... DAM...that is heavy duty chit there... you guys will be at home for a bit huh.
There is nearly 5" of ICE on my driveway. Kids down the street were using hockey skates to get around. I just sit at home...
We are snowpack over ice until ma nature thaws the streets....hopefully friday. Except for a few idiots traffic is crawling. First time in a while the windchill has hit minus numbers 3 consecutive days.
About 60, maybe 65% today. Had to bust out the sunglasses about 9 am.
Left the jacket at home, no need for it.

What's all that white stuff ?
Central Kenosha cty, WI 5+ foot drifts, roads havent been plowed since 9-10 pm last night. 3 feet of snow in what used to be the road, not 3 ft drifts but 3 ft of solid snow far as the eye can see.






That's some wicked chit right there Brudno... take lots of pics for your kid to remember !!
The long term forcast (3 months ) for Montana is more of the same, colder than normal, and wetter than normal. Don't look good for our game populations.
16 deg here in east Texas today. I think I am ready for some of that "Global Warming" Al Gore likes to talk about.
It was nasty but I hope it is over now. an hour after I pushed the drive open it looked like it naver was touched. It was a big mistake doing it as it just made more areas for drifts to start and the piles bigger and I had no way of pushing the new stuff out into the lawn. lucky for me a buddy with a truck and plow came and helped me out and pushed it off. I hate to see what my lawn is going to look like come March...
Got everything around home shoveld and snowblowin out what a mess I am ready for spring!
Our regularly scheduled programming has resumed. Snow on top of 2-1/2" of sleet was a challenge to drive through, but I could make it through most of the drifts. The quarter mile to the west of the house was a different story. The road was drifted in two feet deep and it took the snow plow a half hour or more to clear it. The next mile west was glazed with ice and very slippery. I was only without power for about five hours, but some places around here are still without power and in sub-zero temperatures. I had just bought a through wall furnace to put in the other end of the house for situations like this, but hadn't put it in. I put a direct vent propane fireplace in the other end of the house when I added on and it kept us toasty while we waited for the power to be restored.
I had to cover my Orange tree's.[ standard procedure].. Wussies in Snottsdale canceled the TPC golf tourny...Its Arizona....The nation has been Pussified!:hump:
I had to cover my Orange tree's.[ standard procedure].. Wussies in Snottsdale canceled the TPC golf tourny...Its Arizona....The nation has been Pussified!:hump:

Like usual you have your sports info wrong. The Phoenix Open wasn't canceled. The start was postponed four hours due to heavy frost. Leaders are at -6..
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