Caribou Gear



Active member
Apr 28, 2018
I have been getting blisters on my heels every time I take a long hike. I would say the boots are half to 3/4 broke in. Will getting blisters, prevent blisters in the future once calloused? Or should I plan on taping my heel on all longer hikes for the future?
Same thing for me, I’m about to tape my heels tomorrow before I even start- because I know what’s coming…
I’d say blisters are 90% a boot fit issue. Proper socks do help.

I have used the same make and model boot for 6 seasons….I have to replace them each year due to use.

This years set…something changed and caused blisters. I had to go buy a different model and problem solved.

Darn tough socks are my go to.

The only exception I find to the fit issue is when you hike to the extreme. And what I mean by that is the super heavy pack outs for really long distances….the feet can only take so much before something has to give….and that’s probably the skin.
If you tape use luekotape. But keep it on as long as possible. I use to have to put it on the pad of my big toes. I use to change it daily until I ripped the skin off both of my toes the same night. It’s sticky as ever and should stay put.
+1 on good socks. Thin socks give me trouble. I started using the heavier darn tough and it's made a lot of difference. Also, it's important to stop and check on your feet before the blisters start. Stop after your morning hiking and check for hot spots. Apply a little tape if you need then, rather than peeling off a bloody mess in the evening.
Luekotape is the best cheap thing I’ve ever bought. My current roll is over 5 years old and probably half of it is still left. It is such cheap insurance, it’s sort of dumb to not tape if you are at all prone to blisters. I’ve taped my heels and had it last a full 5 day hunt.

Regarding your boots - most flatlanders (me included) are over booted. Meaning we buy a way stiffer boot than we actually need. We also underestimate what it takes to break in a boot. And lastly, a boot that is broken in on flatland may not be broken in for hill/mountain work. I had a particularly stiff boot that I put 50 miles of park hikes and dog walks on getting them ready to hunt. 15 minutes into my turkey season after tearing after a gobbler in the smokies and I had a severe de-roofed blister that made me miserable for the next 3 days. After that trip, I’ve never had a problem with those boots but I put a solid 15 additional up and down miles on them in the process.
Proper sizing and break in are an issue on most boots.
Cotton socks suck.
My boots are all well broken in before I use them seriously. Wear them,all day long. You will find the spots.
I change up lacing until I find the right method.

I was going to say moleskin worked for me, but I'm an old. LOL
i had that issue, switched boots and solved it. only problem now is i feel like i'm developing tendonitis in my big toes, but hey, no blisters. if you can't switch boots, switch socks and put moleskin or leukotape on before a hot spot even starts if possible.
i honest to God cannot think of essentially any times in my life i would get blisters while hiking from boots. and i've done a lot of hiking, backpacking, and hunting in my life.

that is, until i bought a pair of Schnee's Beartooths.

FFS these things are blister machines. stiff as shit. gonna keep trying to break em in, but might just send them back if i can. my gut told me to just buy another 100 dollar pair of boots from cabelas and i ignored it.

moleskin, duct tape, etc have helped quite a bit.
Tape and wear a poly pro liner. Itll pull moisture away form feet, which causes blisters or in your case help keep tape in place.
i honest to God cannot think of essentially any times in my life i would get blisters while hiking from boots. and i've done a lot of hiking, backpacking, and hunting in my life.

that is, until i bought a pair of Schnee's Beartooths.

FFS these things are blister machines. stiff as shit. gonna keep trying to break em in, but might just send them back if i can. my gut told me to just buy another 100 dollar pair of boots from cabelas and i ignored it.

moleskin, duct tape, etc have helped quite a bit.
I was the same exact way with these kennetreks!!. Just the heel, otherwise fine.
What a good poly pro brand sock y’all recommend?

I’ve never before had blisters in my life and I’ve used the same boots for the last four years. For some reason this last year I developed a blister between my big toe and second toe and have no idea why it happened! Such a weird place to get a blister.
Benzoine tincture. It's a total lifesaver. It hardens the skin, makes the tape stick, and prevents infection. The military injects it into blisters, they call it something like a Hot Shot, IIRC.

I got a bad blister on my heel on a backpack desert sheep hunt from the heat and sand in my boots and one treatment with that and some KT Tape and it lasted the rest of the trip with no issues. I keep a presoaked swab stick in my pack all the time now. They're used for catheters or stomas or something so medical supply stores have them.
Hey OP: where are you getting blisters?
Back of the heal. Wearing liner socks and merino socks over. Had to tape up the heals on the last long hike with no issues. May have to do that, otherwise it's rubbing. I feel like I should have +/-75 miles on the kennetreks and they should be getting broke in?

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