Blackhorn/TC Pro hunter range day


Well-known member
May 21, 2015
Took some time this weekend and hit the range. I will be carrying the muzzleloader this fall in New Mexico so there is no time like now to shoot all summer.

I run a Burris 2x7x35 FFII with Ballistic Plex and my projectiles are Hornady 350gr RN, Speer 350 Hotcore FP, or Kodiak RN ( all .458) with an orange MMP sabot. I use the Hornady's for practise and the Speer/Kodiak for hunting. Back in 2015 I took a bull in the Pecos Wilderness 7.5 miles from the trailhead with the same combo and accuracy was outstanding. I practiced out to 200 yards all summer and shot my bull at 30 yards... better to be over prepared I guess.

Anyway, I run 110-115 of blackhorn depending on the bullet as each one likes a different amount. The Hornady and Kodiak like 115 and the Speer really shines at 110. I decided to chrono the Hornady with 115's and I was very happy. 1937, 1920, and 1933 were the speeds. That is full house 45/70 speeds.


After settling in since it has been about 6 months since I last shot, and the TC likes a dirty barrel, I shot 12 with the Hornady combo. Accuracy was typical with 3 inch groups and about 3 inches high. I then loaded and fired 3 with the Speer combo, which is tighter and always shoots well. Next time out I will give her a few clicks up, reverify, and then shoot all summer at 200. I also plan on Chrono'ing the 110 load to see where it falls so as to see what trajectory would be at 300 for grins.

I have read a lot of negative reports on Blackhorn 209, but that is the only powder I have found that does not foul the barrel on my Encore too bad to load shot number 2.

Before BH 209, and after breaking a ball starter trying to reload for a second chance at a buck I had missed, I actually swabbed between shots after shooting a bull. Fortunately, he was dead on his feet and didn’t run.

So, until I start getting the hangfires/misfires I have read about, I will continue using BH 209. Based on the ramrod indentations on the wooden supports at the range I frequent, a lot of other shooters ought to try BH 209.
I have never had an issue with hang fires. I use the Federal shot shell primer (blue box). Loading is pretty easy compared to other stuff I used to use. This last range trip I never even swabbed the barrel or anything. Accuracy does not degrade for me either with a dirty barrel.
I have read a lot of negative reports on Blackhorn 209, but that is the only powder I have found that does not foul the barrel on my Encore too bad to load shot number 2.

Interesting i've never heard anything negative about BH 209 other than trouble with ignition, which is almost always an equipment (breech plug) issue.
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