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Black Bear


Apr 15, 2006
Considering a 2008 spring black bear hunt & i'm leaning towards a vessel based hunt. Any help or recommendations would be appreciated?
Are you leaning towards guided or unguided? You should get some good info here, but it does make a difference if you're looking for a guide or not.
check with muskeg excursions, johnny is his name, not sure of his web sight but a search outa bring it up. theres a million of them it seems like. pacific mountain guides outa valdez is one, parkers guide service, adams guide service, woods outfitting does some great black bear hunts as well, but he's not off a boat, has a camp and runs boats but not vessle based.
good luck!
No problem. I've been here quite a while, and know a lot of folks. Always willing o point someone in the right direction. You can probably get a black bear bigger than the brown bear Moosie got last year.:eek:
No problem. I've been here quite a while, and know a lot of folks. Always willing o point someone in the right direction. You can probably get a black bear bigger than the brown bear Moosie got last year.:eek:

Know anything about Glacier Mountain Outfitters or Black River Hunting Camps?
A 2nd recommendations for Romano's outfit. Good guy and he definitly wont steer you wrong.
Black River does not do vessel based hunts as far as I know, I believe he hunts out of the Talkeetna's.

You're right. The other guy Glacier Mountain I've never heard of before. From looking at his web site it's not clear if his PWS hunts are boat based or not. He does claim to be in the top 1% of the guiding profession though, whatever that means.:)
If i was to try a drop camp hunt on my own without a guide, any recommendations?

You can rent a 19-20 foot deep V boat in Whittier for about $350 a day.
Head north to College Fjord and explore the coves and back bays. Bring good glass and a pack frame.

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