Kenetrek Boots

Bipartisan legislation proposed to postpone wolf reintroduction in CO

CPW should drop wolves in the San Wash Basin and help with the horse overpopulation.
Wolves don’t kill wild horses until they are out of all other natural food sources. This is a horrible idea as they will destroy the deer and elk in 2 before they even bother with horses.
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I'm not sure the legality or precedence for such though now that more information has flown through the Colorado world - any chance the tide of the re-introduction may have turned enough to create a new voter initiative against wolf reintroduction? Basically a voter initiative "vetoing" the Gov?
Wolves don’t kill wild horses until they are out of all other natural food sources. This is a horrible idea as they will destroy the deer and elk in 2 before they even bother with horses.
I believe his comment related to CPW's focus *should be on reducing the feral horses... not populating wolves in the horse area to reduce the feral horse population. Not speaking for though that was my impression.
I believe his comment related to CPW's focus *should be on reducing the feral horses... not populating wolves in the horse area to reduce the feral horse population. Not speaking for though that was my impression.
two birds, one stone.

The HMA doesn't have much in the way of abundant wildlife. There are Pronghorn and deer.
From what I have read, some people believe this will help the elk population a lot and really help public land hunters.
two birds, one stone.

The HMA doesn't have much in the way of abundant wildlife. There are Pronghorn and deer.
There are definitely elk on the HMA and some of the nicest bulls in 2 end up out there…
Literally no one thinks that
Plenty of pro-wolf activists making claims like that and that reintroducing wolves will bring balance to the elk population and cure Colorado of CWD. Along with disparaging the NAM and describing hunting as an “abhorrent” practice…. Heard it all many times in various CPW commission meetings.
I don’t blame Wyoming one bit. After hearing how the many wolf activists described legal hunting and hunters during the CPW wolf management public comments, I sure wouldn’t want my name out there as a hunter who successfully harvested a wolf. It was crazy. Hopefully, folks will cool their rhetoric as things go forward.
I saw this the other day and thought about posting. The reporter seems a little sensitive about all this. Good news to me though.
This reminds me, I need to buy a wolf tag. The areas I drew tags for had sightings of wolves recently.
I know the answer - I'm just poking the bear.

I'm just gonna say it. How can Wyoming be killing Colorado's wolves if they haven't been re-introduced yet?

Reminds me of that guy in the Thoroughfare whose federal criminal case for shooting two woofs was dismissed in 1992 because to convict him would have been an admission that the wolves were already there.

I bet there are Wyoming guys here who can give chapter and verse on that case.
Never underestimate the immense arrogance of Colorado’s Denver/Boulder ruling political class, thinking that they can dictate the actions of Wyoming citizens. You may be able force policies on Colorado’s rural residents against their will but that doesn’t extend past the state line. Wyoming’s rural residents still have a voice in the governance of their state.