Binos What size for packing around.


Mar 30, 2016
Ok I am looking for a new pair of Binos, I am looking at either 8x42's or 10x42's. What do you all carry when you are in the field. We tend to hunt a variety of terrain from atop a few large plateaus to down in the bush where visibility is about 15 yards. We probably spend most of our time in the bush.

What are your go to Bino's for this type of hunting.

I used a pair for Nikon Monarch 10x42s for years and then when upgraded to a pair of Leupold Switch Power 10/17x42. I love the switch powers and have no idea why aren't more popular.
10x42 best you can afford.
Look for some factory refurbished ones too, they will have warranty and be much cheaper if you can find some.
10x42s are the most popular for western hunting, to my knowledge. Leupold and Vortex are probably your best bet for that mid-level price range. Each have excellent warranties and good bang-for-buck.
I will go with the opposite of what has been recommended. I prefer 8x42's when I'm hunting the timber or river bottoms. I like the wider field of view they offer and the appearance of being steadier. I do have a pair of 10x42's that I'll take into more open country because they will give me better detail at distance.

I really should have picked up a pair of the Leupold switch powers when I had the chance. They had the 7-12x42's I think and the 10-17x42's. I may have gone the 7-12 for my style of hunting, but it's too late now.
Went to an airshow in Oshkosh, WI... somebody there had a pair of Steiner 10x42 at half off since they were being discontinued or something. Sold. My dad has 10x42 monarch's and he was thinking about upgrading. The whitetail hunter in me hated carrying bino's and usually kept them in my pack. Now they're in a harness and other than my bow and license, one of the few things I absolutely will not leave in camp.
I do have a couple of 8x20 and 10x20 compact binos I have used quite nicely during elk archery season. Leica and Leupold are mine and they actually work well in timber and small meadows. They were given and inherited so I didn't have to buy them, otherwise I would only use my 10x42's. They are not a good choice for long, open country hunting though.
I carry 10x42's in my harness all the time. Sometimes I wish they were more powerful but they still do everything I need them to do.
I have 10x50 with a bino harness and never really know they are there. Personally I will trade the bigger bino's or a little more added weight.
I have Steiner 8x30's for thick stuff.
Alpen 10x42's & I started wearing the Alpen 10x50's most of the time now in this big open NM country.
The 50's bounce a bit but are great on a tripod/rest or sitting/kneeling. Off hiking poles if I am using them.
I use 10x50s... carry them around in my bino harness for archery and rifle. Gives you everything you will need n with a good harness harness you will not even know it's there on your chest. It becomes a part of you. I would not go any lower than 10 power.
Thanks of all the info. I am for sure getting a good chest pack. Please keep up your experience and suggestions. As of know I am leaning toward the 10x42's. I got to try out a pair of 12x50s for a bit of glassing form the truck lat year, great Binos but I would not want to pack them. I am going to try and save to get a pair of larger binos in a year or two, that will stay in the truck on a tripod and be for my big are looks.


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