Caribou Gear


coyote kid

New member
Feb 17, 2011
Grand Rapids MN
Im looking to purchase a pair of binoculars and would like some opinions on what I should get. I would like to spend no more than $700 . Primary use would be big game hunting.
Thanks for any help
Search through the threads in the optics section and you'll find lots of great info. Best advice is to get the best binos in your price range. Check out some birdwatcher sites as they tend to love their glass. I'm partial to vortex optics as I've had good luck with them and they were in my price range. Good luck with your search and decision.
I think from that price range you can get Cabelas Euro Binos. There are rumors that the glass is Swarovski that doesn't pass final expection. I have heard this from several people but have yet to confirm for myself. My archery guy swears by his set so maybe it's something to consider
I'm really happy with my Zen-Ray ED3's. I have them in 10X - 43mm.

Would end up with a couple of them for $700.
i have some Zen Rays on ebay right now, ending in a day. They are demos with full warranty. 10x43 ed2. starting bid is 380.00 sweet deal, but better hurry.
You can get a good pair of Zeiss for less than that. Both 10X32 (ithink) and 10X25 are great lenses for big game hunting. I prefer the smaller light weight 10X25 mainly because I hunt dark to dark and put on lots of miles. IMHO a higher quality glass is worth the extra price when it comes to binos. I know some people dont like ebay, but if you know what you are looking for, there are some good deals occasionally.
I would definitely go with a Cabela's brand set. Whatever your price range is and look at them in person. They are very comparable, glass is made by Nikon, and Swaro to my knowledge.
Make sure you consider warranties. At that price, warranties may differ a little and they matter especially if you're hunting. I did some research before buying my new optics (the optics thread on this site included) and the majority of guys buying optics in that ranger were buying Nikons and Leupolds simply because they are quality and stand behind their product. I never hear anything bad about Cabelas or Vortex either. I'm sure Cabelas has a great warranty too. Just keep the warranty in mind.
I have a pair of 8x30 swaroski slc I have used since 1994 and I love them ! If you shop you can buy them for about your price range and if you ever decide to sell them you can get most of your money back. When I bought mine I think they cost about 550.00 and they would bring that much now. Buy the best you can afford ,to me my binos are the most important piece of equipment I have!
I've been really happy with my Pentax 8X42 WP binos. I got them on sale for around $250 and if I remember right the retail price was around $400. I picked up a slightly used pair of Swarovski EL 10X42 earlier this year for $1350, which I believe was a good buy. I've used them a few times and they are nice but for the money the Pentax are a better value. In optics there appears to be an exponential point of diminishing returns for quality compared to price starting in the $400-500 range. I prefer 7X-8X for woods hunting. 10X is great for open areas but a handicap in the woods from the shrinking field of view. Here is sometihing similar to what I have:


I looked through ALOT of binoculars in the $600 price range before I bought. There werent any places that carried the zen-ray products but they had a 30 day return policy. I heard a few people raving about them so I figured what the hell and pre ordered the 10x43 Ed3s with a 20 % discount for $440. I had the intentions of returning them but wanted to see what everyone was talking about. Liked them so much I never returned them. Hunted with them all season and cant say enough about them

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