Bigger advantage in a VX-3i Leupold riflescope?

Was a staunch 40mm objective is plenty guy for a long time. These days at 60 I prefer the 50mm objective. Just picked up a 4.5-14x50 vx3i for my old Ruger 7mm RM. Plain Jane duplex & 1” tube it is purely a hunting scope for 500 yards and in. The image and clarity is excellent and it does well in lower light.

I’ll play around & shoot targets out to 800 with old fashioned holdover On elk sigh in day but that is just for grins. I sight it in at 225 yards so it is point & shoot out to 325 the simpler the better. This rifle is very accurate killed 30+ deer & several elk I’m a firm believer That less thinking about the shot is better for hunting.
I finally have narrowed my scope choice for my Savage Model 110 Long Range Hunter in .300 WSM that I bought last September to two Leupold VX-3i scopes. One being a 4.5-14x50 CDS-ZL2 (30 mm) Side Focus with Duplex reticle and the other the 4.5-14x40 CDS-ZL2 (30mm) Side Focus with Windplex reticle. When I first bought my rifle I added a 20 MOA rail as well, but I am sure that I don't need that rail for shooting ethical hunting distances, even though it would be fun to try and hit steel at a 1000. I with the advance of many of you knowledgeable and helpful folks as well as my brother who got a mule deer in Idaho last Oct. at 400 yards with a 4-12x40 VX-Freedom with a Tri-MOA reticle, have reigned way in my thought of having to have a 18+ large end magnification scope.
Anyway my question is which would be more advantageous the larger objective with the duplex reticle or the 40 mm objective with the Windplex reticle? I know there is a 1.4 ounce weight savings with the smaller belled scope to go on my already 8.4 lb rifle.
My rifle currently has a Redfield Revenge Hunter 4-12x42 scope that is good scope (and has taken many whitetails on my brother's gun) that was on my brother's .270 before he switched it out for the VX-Freedom and gave the scope to me. I am thinking of getting one of the VX-3is and putting that scope on my .17 HMR (I know 12 power is too much for most if not all rimfires) which would be an upgrade over a hand me down Tasco. Any advice would be appreciated.
I’ve had a Vortex and looking for a Leupold Vx 3i. I liked the Vortex, just poor vision at dusk, the one I had wasn’t for me. Recommendations?
Big fan of all the Leupold scopes I've had over the years - currently running the vx3i without a CDS dial. Wish I would have paid the extra for the CDS setup because now I wish I had it! I would buy the one with the windplex reticle too instead of the duplex that I have currently.
I suspect the reticle will disappear before the advantage of the larger objective kicks in. Only one way to know for sure ..
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