Caribou Gear Tarp

Big Shooter and schmalts here you go


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002

I would challenge you to cite one instance where I complained about someone making a profit on a public resource. If so, post it here. Don't post some small piece that you will take out of context.


Big Shooter..... Put up or shut up, you have been challenged.
funny. seems you're the chicken shit here. never bothered to step up, did you? and who would know more about the rear echelon than you?

Calling Jose out


So, since you like to play alter ego devils advocate let's see if you are man enough to answer a little poll of questions. Just to let us know where the pot stirring turd really stands. Feel free to answer as Elk gunner if you like, you can choose your personality as you wish.

1. Do you agree with Obama's stimulus plan?

2. Do you agree with him signing the budget plan with all the pork added.

3. Did you vote for Obama?

4. Do you agree with the second amendment?

5. Do you agree the second amendment was to protect us from Government or things that go bump in the night?

6. Do you think we should have a flat out Amnesty for all illegal immigrants?

7. Do you think you have us all fooled that you are not Elk gunner?

8. Do you think the government can take over health care and do it better that private companies?

9. If you said yes to #8, do you think quality of care will suffer?

10. Do you think the Government should bail out anyone overextended on their home Mortgage?

Let's see if your man enough to actually answer these questions truthfully. It would clear up a lot of confusion as to what you really stand for since all you really ever do is ask questions and do cut and paste. Man up

Randy, apologies for the little hijack here.
I don't pay 1966 prices for steaks but a rancher gets to pay '66 prices to produce it? That's crap!

My God!! You people have brain washed another one! Ranchers are getting richer and richer every year, hence the reason that the producer numbers are declining rapidly. Get a grip fellas.........!

Schmalts....hey tough guy....don't tell me to shut up's rude. Didn't your mom ever tell you that?

Again, Big Fin, great footage and good luck. I have heard that filming those hunts can be a little challenging at times.
I’m no expert, but I do know a thing or two about producing the steaks that you eat in restaurants and buy in stores.
Grazing fees may well be dirt cheap, but there’s a lot more to producing beef than grazing. Virtually all U.S. beef is corn fed for the last 30 to 90 days, and with the push for ethanol, corn prices have skyrocketed.
The packers also have a great deal to do with market pricing, in fact they largely control it. It’s a supply and demand market. More demand, higher prices. Blaming ranchers is like blaming African mine workers for conflict diamonds.
Ranchers get like .90 cents a pound for hanging carcasses. Without cheap grazing, it would cost well over that to produce the cattle.
I agree, there’s too much grazing on public lands, but grazing fees have little to do with market pricing for beef.
My God!! You people have brain washed another one! Ranchers are getting richer and richer every year, hence the reason that the producer numbers are declining rapidly. Get a grip fellas.........!

Schmalts....hey tough guy....don't tell me to shut up's rude. Didn't your mom ever tell you that?
Shut up... My Mom told me to hold people accountable.
Did you find those quotes to prove Big fin was talking out of both sides of his mouth like you accused? That would be accountable and I would apologise at that point. Otherwise, get thicker skin to blend in a little better here
Schmalts.......I am sure that your mom was a wonderful person and it was good that she taught you such precious values, but it is just too bad that she didn't teach you how to spell "apologize" correctly.:hump:
Schmalts.......I am sure that your mom was a wonderful person and it was good that she taught you such precious values, but it is just too bad that she didn't teach you how to spell "apologize" correctly.:hump:

Thats all you got?? See I have thick skin, and spelling errors are not of concern just because someone forgot to hit spell check. So, back to your accusations and challenge to back them up.... Tick tock tick tock, your credibility sinks every post:cool:

Can you guess which method I used...

water boarding
Flipper- I think you may have read this thread to them and they either died of boredom or killed themselves...
Poopy pants (a.ka. Schmalts);

I am not too proud to admit if and when I am wrong, unlike some others on this site. Many, many times there has been some serious accusations about "welfare ranchers" and how they make such a ""huge profit" off of "my public ground" and it is absolutely ridiculous. Your hero, idol and twin brother Big Fin is no different, although I do not have time to sit in my air conditioned office like you do to go back and search the archives to find them, it was said. He has stated recently that he never said that ranchers should not be able to use them but that they should have to pay accordingly for the damage that the grazing I will give him that and believe him (damn that hurts). Now...........have some other ass clowns made statements about how "welfare ranchers" should not be able to profit off of their public ground, yes and you know they have. Nor do they think that hunting and fishing outfitters should be able to either, even though I understand that they have to pay fees accordingly as well.

Again, for the record, out of about 35,000 acres, we have one section that is not deeded so it really doesn't pertain to me as a "welfare rancher" but plenty of my closest friends run on state and BLM ground and it does affect them. Big Fin is also trying to turn a profit off of "publicly owned" game animals on your "publicly owned" ground but in your eyes that is different? A bit hypocritical don't you think?
Not sure how you killed those kjittens but I have some cats in my neighborhood I wish you'd come take care of as well.....
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