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Big Montana Double!!

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous of those youngsters! Congrats on a very successful hunt!
Pretty sure I would have pushed my kid out of the way and took the buck myself! I'm just saying what y'all are thinking! Critter don't tell me it didn't cross your mind! Lol
Thanks for sharing those hunts with us. Those boys will remember this for the rest of their lives. Man they set the bar high!
Holy moly! Great bucks! Those two boys are putting together quite the run. Mucho congrats!

PS- I'll bring my oldest up in 2 years... ;) :D
Wow. Just wow.

Congrats to the boys and kudos to CG for making that happen!
Very, very cool.
That is flat out awesome! You have spoiled them for life! Better deer than I've ever shot! Congrats!
Once again Critter you have the angles.Congrats not one but TWO extra ordinary deer.Amazing! I like em both! This 2 day youth hunt is likely the key,get the jump before the big boys go nocturnal,...or stumble briefly during the rut.
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