PEAX Equipment

Big Montana Bull


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2010
Under the Big Sky
Here is what I know...400 1/8 green...7x7 non- typ will be in top 5 for Non-typ in Montana Archery...Congrats to Will
What makes people think they should post other peoples pics. I can guarantee Will Schott will not appreciate you taking that liberty.

Just because you got included on a forward doesn't mean you should share it with the world.
IT is a big bull is cool! Sorry if it offends! I am happy for him...guys like seeing huge bulls. Joust thought it was a cool looking bull.
Third time I have seen this bull. I don't forward these emails, but part of the fault has to go to the original sender.

Actually I like the other angle where he appears to be a 480" bull.:D
I got the email with all the bull pictures 5 or 6 times, the best one was where he was wearing the "be the decoy" prototype cow elk hat. Awesome. I got to get me one of them things.
What makes people think they should post other peoples pics. I can guarantee Will Schott will not appreciate you taking that liberty.

Just because you got included on a forward doesn't mean you should share it with the world.

But it's OK to post someone's full name?
Maybe I should retract my compliment til the insider's club pissing stops. Nah, still a stud bull.
If he is pissed the picture is posted after he sent the original email, he is a jackass.

Sweet bull.
Awesome bull, I'm a tad jealous. Should I ever kill a monster like that, you guys can feel free to spread it around.
Awesome, awesome bull. I'd give my left walnut for a bull like that for sure. Maybe I don't know jack about scoring, but I'm not seeing why from that pic, that it would score as a non-typ?
Everybody want to know or post a picture of the guy that kills a big one.

Hoe come no one posts the spikes I kill..... *sigh* ;)
What makes people think they should post other peoples pics. I can guarantee Will Schott will not appreciate you taking that liberty.

Just because you got included on a forward doesn't mean you should share it with the world.

Hey, Bbh, where exactly did he shoot this bull? Could we have some GPS coords... if it's o.k. with everyone else... :D

Seriously, thanks for sharing or I never would have seen it. Great bull Will Schott!
What makes people think they should post other peoples pics. I can guarantee Will Schott will not appreciate you taking that liberty.

Just because you got included on a forward doesn't mean you should share it with the world.

I'm new here, but this aint my first rodeo. Thanks to you, I was able to google "will schott bull", by golly 1/2 dozen forums came up.

Are you making the rounds and scolding everyone?:rolleyes:

Oh yeah, helluva bull! Congrats to the hunter!
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