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Big game tag recommendations

Thanks for posting that link! Looks like all the hunts I applied for are status quo, better than reductions.

Selfishly I wish the deadline was later also. Find out NM results before having to submit CO. But yeah, giving tag numbers before the app deadline seems logical.
Quite embarrassing to see the unit I hunted last year get a 50% increase in tags. I hunted 4th season and saw about 30-40 does all 4th season in a lower deer density unit. Not a single buck rutting any of these does, more than 20 of the does I saw were 3+ miles away from roads. I only saw one wounded yearling buck that had been shot by another hunter, he appeared fine so I gave him the chance to live. I personally spoke to the wildlife biologist about the hunt before and after. The high tag numbers and late dates are destroying deer herds in many areas. It was pretty obvious to me that CPW is trying to milk everything they can from hunters before wildlife populations take a complete nose dive due to no predator management and overhunting.
Quite embarrassing to see the unit I hunted last year get a 50% increase in tags. I hunted 4th season and saw about 30-40 does all 4th season in a lower deer density unit. Not a single buck rutting any of these does, more than 20 of the does I saw were 3+ miles away from roads. I only saw one wounded yearling buck that had been shot by another hunter, he appeared fine so I gave him the chance to live. I personally spoke to the wildlife biologist about the hunt before and after. The high tag numbers and late dates are destroying deer herds in many areas. It was pretty obvious to me that CPW is trying to milk everything they can from hunters before wildlife populations take a complete nose dive due to no predator management and overhunting.
But that’s how they are going to get rid of cwd…
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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