Grand poopa
I would put this in the Fishing section except there isn't any fishing going on *SMILE*
Over the 4th of July, We went up to Stanley for the firework display.. And a bit of scouting for my budy's goat tag.
Here is a survival shelter we built for the kids incase the NEw Camper leaked :
there was also a Fort made like in Africa so the lions couldn't get them :
Of course there ere some asrrows to be Flung :
Warrens Oldest... OOPS !!!!
Over the 4th of July, We went up to Stanley for the firework display.. And a bit of scouting for my budy's goat tag.
Here is a survival shelter we built for the kids incase the NEw Camper leaked :
there was also a Fort made like in Africa so the lions couldn't get them :
Of course there ere some asrrows to be Flung :
Warrens Oldest... OOPS !!!!