
Big CO buck in my dreams


I wouldn't want to be Fred knowing you are on my trail. Your track record of putting great animals on the ground is impressive. Of course, if there were a good looking doe shaking her rear at me it would be hard to concentrate on avoiding you!! Good luck and keep us informed!
Good stuff Fin, look forward to the next update, and hopefully a big buck.
Good Luck tomorrow Fin. I went out today with my dad. Saw 3 bucks with noses in does butts. They were moving quit a bit though. The does were getting frustrated and moving pretty good distances. No real shooters.

Stay positive!! You'll get one. Don't give up till dark on the last day. Tell the boys hi for me (bundle of sticks). Were rooting for you.
Day three is in the books. Unfortunately, no buck in the books.

Today was miserable from a weather/conditions standpoint. Up on the mountain, it was in the high twenties, with a wind in the same range. It was hard to sit on the ridges and glass, while the wind was smashing you in the face and draining you of energy.

The warm afternoon weather of the previous days had brought the snow to a soft melt, only to be frozen hard last night. It was impossible to move without alarming the entire mountain that you were coming their way.

Took this cool pic of the snow that had melted and formed in the trail. Probably should have been glassing, but just wanted to take a pic before the sun got up.
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Lots of elk hunters today. Two groups came by and asked me if I had seen any elk. There were four bulls bedded on the other ridges, and these guys told me that was too far to go after the elk. It would have been a grunt to get them out of the quakies, but I think it was more the physical condition of the hunters and the fact they could not get their ATV's to a downed elk, that made them determine it was not worth it.

I had to laugh, as I thought about driving to Colorado from Michigan, only to decide that it would be too much work to get an elk off the mountain. Hello, anyone home?
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Saw a decent buck this morning. A 24" 3X4 that was running a doe, as though he had stole her. She led him off the benches into the cliffs of oak brush. Probably would not have shot him, but wanted to get closer to make sure.

I always thought I liked oak trees. Not after hunting in this scrub oak. Still not sure how you Colorado guys hunt in this stuff. Oak jungles would be a better description.
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The temps dropped significantly this afternoon, and the wind continued to blow. I glassed as long as my body could take it, then had to start working the ridges back to the truck for the sake of not freezing to death in the wind.

Saw seven does on my way to the truck, with no buck in sight. Still not sure where the bucks were today. Saw over twenty does, with one mature buck, and one small forkie. Humm?

Maybe they are waiting for tomorrow. Yeah, that's it. The bucks took the day off. National Mule Deer Rest From Breeding Day. So, by my theory, they should be quited horned up tomorrow.

If nothing else, the sunset was pretty cool as I sat in my truck warming up. The best pic I could get was from my mirror.
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Hope to put Fred on my stringer tomorrow. If you have any spare luck you can loan me, I will gladly take it, as I think I am gonna need it. :eek:

Two days left.


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Big Fin, never give up

I know you wont but just a note to explain. Years ago I drew a Kodiak Spring Brown Bear Permit. They allow you a total of 15 days if you want to hunt that long.
My partner and I decided to make this a trip of a lifetime. So we elected to stay 18 days that way we could fish for Steelhead on the Karluk river a few days.
The first 6 days we never saw a Bear. Then we hiked into a new canyon. A Blizzard came up (May 3rd) Anyway, we started seeing bears daily. Some the wind changed and we got busted others turned up a cub in hiding. Still others looked too small. Finally day 15th. My partner wants to fish. I say I've got about 17 hours of daylight and I'm going to get a Bear. Short story, finally at 9:30PMlast night, I spot a Bear. I ran about 1 1/2 miles and got close enough to crawl about 70 yds and he was broadside. The Ruger 338 with 250 nosler handloads spoke loud and clear and the Bear dropped. As I bolted in another round he was up ,spun ran 20+ yards and stopped. Boom and again he falls. When he got up this next time he was wobblee and never took a step. Partner and I both shot and he was down for good. I had to run back th 1 1/2 mile to retrieve hip boots, camera, small inflatable, knives etc. We took most of the hide off before dark then left it and floated down the river. Next morning at 5 AM (short night's sleep) we returned for the rest of the skinning. Hide measured 8'6" The steelhead fishing was out of this world with some measuring 34" We did keep a few 18" Dolly Varden trout for supper.
So, the moral to all this after hunting hard for 15 days, I never gave up and was rewarded with my trophy at 9:30PM on the last night. So, Big Fin, I'm rooting for FRED to show soon.Good luck.
That oak is tough, eh? ;)

Two days left, but it is the best two days. Don't get down yet. Good luck!
I'm now wishing to you all the luck I would have had this Fall had I been able to hunt, time will tell if it's a blessing or a curse. Good Luck!
BigFin’s a huntin’, his tag is in hand.
Day after day with his contraband.

Sworov Spotter , Zeiss Bino to see,
The next 4x5 buck, yep Fred he will be.

He wears an Orange hat, what does it say ?
We’ll never know, the brims up every day.

(GO look, You can't see the main part in ANY picture :p)

Tony’s helping out, spotting and glassing.
Wading through elk hunters they are harassing.

Go big or Go home, now times running out.
Big Fred or not, Big Fin will not pout.

He smiles every day, hundreds come here to read
Shoot a Big Buck, but more pictures!! Agreed?

We’re grateful for Hotels with internet service,
Will he post again today, it’s late and we’re nervous.

But he’s probably still tiered and laying in bed,
He needs rest for tomorrow, he’s packing out Fred !!
"I always thought I liked oak trees. Not after hunting in this scrub oak. Still not sure how you Colorado guys hunt in this stuff. Oak jungles would be a better description".

Better than Alders!!!!!!!!
Those aren't 'Real' oak trees... ;)

One of the best discriptions I've read called the short or burnt over stuff 'shintangle'...
Just got a picture message of a very nice Colorado buck being held by a dude wearing sitka gear and an orange hat and a big smile. Hopefully details to be posted soon.
Just got a picture message of a very nice Colorado buck being held by a dude wearing sitka gear and an orange hat and a big smile. Hopefully details to be posted soon.

What did his hat say??

Moosie gets it...;)

Can't wait to see some pics. Probably thinkin' of a good poem to go with em' I'm sure.
The stringer is full, my tag has been punched,
Packin’ this buck, and my back it is hunched.

The morning was cold, temps way below norm,
Friggin’ ATV’ers had me cussing a storm.

Plan was to glass and try find Fred,
Hills were full of elk hunters, instead.

A dozen does, with one waggin’ her booty,
Seemed like a buck should look for this tootie.

Climb down the mesa where the does were sleepin,
Look to my right was a buck for the keepin’.

Hem’n and haw’n I hesitate long,
In his early exit he doesn’t prolong.

He wasn’t too wide, but seemed like a good’un,
Running through oaks he had me a wishin’.

A chance gone for good, and time getting tight,
I realized it would be a sleepless night.

Crawling and scrambling though really thick brush,
We find ourselves moving, I really seem rushed.

The ridge peters out, I’m no mountaineer.
There’s no friggin way I can find a deer here.

I stop and conoiter, plan out our day,
When a big stroke of luck comes rolling our way.

A buck to our right, I must be dreaming,
He rousts out three does and his breath is a steaming.

He looks like the buck from early that morn,
I see decent mass but need to see more.

He turns to the right and the points number five,
What great day, I’m feeling alive.

The brush is so thick, it is over my head,
I try to shoot, but it’s a shot that I dread.

The spotter is atop as six-foot tripod,
I decide to use to steady my shot.

The buck rambles down and stops in the sun,
Giving me time to shoulder my gun.

The first shot drills him, he hunches and sways,
The second shot smokes an oak in my way.

I know a steep cliff is off to my right,
My third shot smacks him, it really felt right.

I’m totally amazed as he gets to his feet,
He runs to the east where it’s hopelessly steep.

I see him struggling to keep on his way,
One final shot had ended his day.

He slides down the cliff and tangles in brush,
How will I get him, my thoughts are all rushed.

I see him dead way down below,
Slipping and falling down the cliff we go.

Nothing that a full day of packing can’t fix,
I cuss when his antlers get tangled in sticks.

To truck at dark, tired and sore,
Glad he didn’t go downhill some more.

So this is the story of a deer that is dead,
He is a good one, but he is not Fred. :eek:
Just loaded a couple pics from the camera.

This was the view I had, and determined that he would suffice at this late hour, with warm weather, and many elk hunters in the hills.
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Another view. Only three points on the other side.
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Still smiling, even after coming up off the cliff.
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A pic for Moosie, so he can read my hat. CO requires an orange hat and vest.
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Hope one of you find Fred before he dies of old age. ;)


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