No pissing match, just exchanging information.
Ok, CO has an overpopulation of elk, and according to Schmalts and Iron Buck, most non-residents don't want to kill cows...especially for $250. The only way they can increase the number of 300-inch bulls is to stop killing them as raghorns. The only way to do that is to limit bull licenses. About 50% of the DOW's total budget comes from selling bull elk licenses, so they'll have to find another way to make that money (for the sake of this argument, reducing the budget is not an alternative). So how do we get the cows killed, reduce the numbers of bulls killed and maintain the same incoming revenue? I'm asking because I don't know. I wasn't trying to get in a pissing match, I'm just saying that everyone is good at stating the problems, but nobody seems to have a feasable solution.
