Beyond Frustrated

Upon reading about slobbery, it is no wonder land owners are hesitant to grant access to the public.
Sort of like when I was a kid, the toys I lent to friends got returned not quite working right any more.

For a lot of people, if it’s not theirs, they’re not as careful or mindful. But if someone wants continued access it only makes sense to be respectful first time and every time.
Long time member of a "members only" gun club with about 120 members. Takes a key to get in and any non-member must be accompanied by and a guest of a member.
Doesn't seem to make much difference, the slobs don't pick up their targets, shoot holes thru the overhead awnings, put their targets on the wood horizontal target supports then shoot hell out of them, leave brass and hulls laying everywhere, etc.

We've got a dumpster up front and trash barrels right at the ranges. Every time I go, I wind up picking up stuff and burning some trash.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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