Beware the Portland Pizza

Let us know how your surgery & possible upcoming rehab are are going. You'll be in our thoughts & prayers...
Wishing you the best in recovery and full use of your arm, hand, and fingers to get back to doing all the outdoor activities you love.
2 years ago I had the flu really bad. Was on the crapper and was vomiting at the same time. Next thing I know i'm laying on the floor and my face felt like it was on fire. I had passed out and fell forward off the can and did a rug burn with my face. Thank god the kids were at school. Get well Randy.
Hell of a lot to go through for a built in excuse for missing this season. "Damned if my food poisoning injury didn't flare up right as I was squeezing the trigger." Humbly request a shout out on camera if you use it.

Ok jokes over, glad it wasn't worse. Praying for the surgeon to be as skilled as they come and has you recovered before walleye fishing starts.
Thanks for the heads up, noted - Portland Pizza > Five Alarm Chili.

Hope you get better soon!
Oh my goodness, so sorry, and God look over the surgeon's hands. Praying for a speedy recovery.
Doing a fundraiser tonight for Oregon Hunters Association. Was thinking of donating “Portland pizza dinner for four with Randy Newberg.” Just not sure what that would sell for today.

I forgot about the staples they put in my scalp until I tried to shower this morning. Plucked some shards out of my knee and hip that discovered this morning. Maybe I looked worse than I thought I looked when I walked down the hotel lobby and asked for a ride. I thought the kind lady was overreacting, but given the bloody mess of my clothes and the mop of blood in my hair it was probably a bit of a surprise to her.
Thanks for helping out the OHA!
I truly hope your recovery is complete and uncomplicated.

Thank you for your advocacy on behalf of all of us public land hunters. Get well.
Wow, glad it wasn’t any worse. Praying for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for you.

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