Beware of this outfitter!


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
I've posted this under the guides and outfitters section as well, but want to be sure that anyone planning an Eastern Oregon hunt (or looking into using a booking agent) sees this before making the same mistake I did last year in booking with this outfit. Steve's Outdoor Adventures is ran out of Hermiston, Oregon as a full service booking agent and guide agency. I booked a deer hunt with him on one of his own personal leases last September (2000) and it turned out to be a nightmare!

Though he had bragged it up as a "wildlife mecca" the property was over-hunted and game scarce at best. Guides spent more time drinking than guiding. My personal guide didn't know the property, didn't have a vehicle that would get around on the lease, didn't have any personal equipment (i.e., binoculars, spotting scopes, etc) nor even any food. It was absolutely the most poorly planned hunt I have ever been on with a "professional" outfitter and that's in hunting over 25 years in six different western states! I thought I had done my homework on this (this weren't my first rodeo...) but I guess I failed to uncover what I really needed to have known.

I have written a complete four page description of this "hunt" that will soon be posted on my web site. Please feel free to email me a [email protected] for a copy of this trip from hell.

Best of hunting to all of you in 2001!
Marv B. (aka the NCalHunter) :mad: :mad:
Thats what makes the Net so good.....

To make people AWARE of Good and BAD...

THANX for posting your opinion and WELcome to HUNTTALK.COM !!!!!!!!!
MarvB, ya might want to consider posting your experience on scroll down to the Rate Guides & Outfitters topic and let them know about it too. A bunch of people use that site to find out about an outfitter or guide.WD
Man, that's too bad! I had heard that story from someonme else from here had the same problem with that service. Guess I go never really knows for sure. :mad:
Thanks guys for the replies- My web site is still in progress at this point but I'll send a copy of the report to those interested parties this morning!

I've always appreciated the openess and honesty on forums such as this when it comes to sharing information. Time spent afield is much to valuable and getting harder for me to come by to waste with an outfitter such as this one- ALWAYS DO YOUR HOMEWORK (though I thought I had....) when booking a hunt!

WDSWIFT- Interesting you should mention and their guide reviews. I did post a review on that site and the next day it was gone...seems the Outfitter in question is a paid advertiser on!
I reposted the review just yesterday so we'll see what happens and just how the cards stack up> with the readers or with the $$. I kind of have an inkling that $$ talks!

Have a good day fellers.......MarvB
Marv, thanks for the email and welcome to the forum. Hope you stay around this is a great forum with lots of good info and fun. Great bunch of people here too. Welcome.
Caribou Gear

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