Best rewards credit card for hunters?

I'm actually looking into ditching my Cabela's credit card. Seems like everything I buy there I can get cheaper somewhere else.
Ive been Thinking the same. Since the buyout it's gone down hill fast. The only reason I shop there is because it's less than an hour away. Maybe I'll look into scheels card. There not close by but I like giving them my business when I can. Great customer service.
Nothing wrong with a rewards card when you're smart with your money, obviously if you don't pay your bill in full the reward doesn't offer any benefit. We personally use the Costco credit card, 4% on gas 3 on travel 2 at Costco and 1 on everything else. Just with my wife and I we usually get close to 400 back per year. They give it to you as "Costco cash" but you can go in to any Costco and cash it out or you buy an item/items with a total less than your reward and they give you the remaining balance in cash. That extra cash has been a nice little bonus for us every year.
Why not get a card that gives you cash back to use at your discretion (not solely Sportsmen's or somewhere else)? There are many cards that can certainly out-compete the return that the Sportsmen card can give you. The Amex blue cash preferred gives you 6% cash back on groceries and cable/internet and 3% back on gas and 1% back on everything else with a $250 cash back option after you spend $1k.
Because just about everything I need to buy right now is hunting related and I’m gearing up for some big trips and if I have the card and use it I earn 5 points per dollar at Sportsman’s when I use the card and double points on gas and it’s really the only area I’m spending money on myself right now. Not saying it’s right for everyone it just seemed right for my situation.
Ive been Thinking the same. Since the buyout it's gone down hill fast. The only reason I shop there is because it's less than an hour away. Maybe I'll look into scheels card. There not close by but I like giving them my business when I can. Great customer service.
This 100%. The only thing I buy consistently at Cabelas is duck ammo because it's the only store within an hour that carries it regularly. If I had a Scheels nearby they would be my go to store. I was travelling for work all through Oct and Nov to Kansas City and would stop and pick something up almost every week.
This 100%. The only thing I buy consistently at Cabelas is duck ammo because it's the only store within an hour that carries it regularly. If I had a Scheels nearby they would be my go to store. I was travelling for work all through Oct and Nov to Kansas City and would stop and pick something up almost every week.
Funny you said for duck ammo that's exactly what I go there for no one else keeps a good selection of steel shot in stock.
Love credit cards. It’s free and easy money. If you want just one card, the Citi Double Cash Card is the way to go.

IF, and that's a big if, you can pay off the balance every month, not using a rewards credit card is leaving a lot of free money on the table; it's almost like not taking advantage of your 401(k) match. I earned almost $600 in cash back on my CC last year and didn't pay a nickel in interest or fees. One thing to watch out for is the method you redeem your points (I use statement credits) because sometimes there's a premium to use your points (as much as 20%) to pay a vendor directly with points.
We switched from the Cabela's Card to the Costco Card after the nightmare of billing errors when Bass Pro bought Cabela's. We take the cash value of the reward and dump it onto our property tax bill. We pay the monthly card bill off completely each month.
The only credit card that we have is the Cabela's card, because we got it when my wife worked there. All of our bills are put on it and it is paid off at the end of every month. I always find something there to spend the points on. It is not a good deal, if you do not pay it off every month, but it serves us well. If I change, it will be to a cash-back card.
I think you need two credit cards, because on several occasions I've had fraudulent charges on my cards and had them quickly shut off.
Could be a real pain if on a trip and you had no card.

We use a Citi Mastercard, 2% cash back on everything, and also a Cabelas card.
Any of you former military members or children of military members can use USAA. I get 2.5% cashback on everything with their card. I use this for my cashback cards, but still find more value in the points/miles realm of cards.
Don't get a Cabelas card, way too easy to go into debt! Wait, maybe that had more to do with me...
I stopped using my Cabelas card after the BP merger and subsequent move to Capitol One. I used to be able to call Cabelas, get someone in NE that spoke English. Those days are gone. I'll never own another card where the rewards are dedicated to spending them in one specific place.
I currently have a USAA card, rewards come in many forms. I've enjoyed a few free flights. It's probably not the best when it comes to rewards. Costco had a pretty good deal on one that was a cash back, need to look back into that. I'd only get another card that offers a cash back, let me spend it where I want offer.

The guys who say no credit card must not travel. My card gets used for all business travel, but I get the rewards from said travel.
Credit cards are great if you only buy things you’d buy anyways with cash anyways and pay them off completely every month. That’s what I do and every year or other year I buy something nice with my points.
I use Southwest airlines card. I used to use Cabelas but in the end everything they sell was so expensive you are better off buying elsewhere and getting the points for something else like airline miles.
Capital One for wife and scheels for me. I keep me business expenses separate. Nice thing about capital one is that you can us your points to buy gift cards at different stores like bass pro, menards, walmart etc. Nice if want something else other than specific sport store
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