Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Best powder for the .270?


New member
Dec 10, 2000
California, or Texas
I have been using R 19 in my .270 because it is the onley powder for rifle I had. Any other recmendations, pushing a speer 130 bullet.


"When a man lies he murders some part of the world"

Cliff Burton
JOhn, I've had excellent luck with IMR 4831 and H-450. They both seem to be really quick and very accurate in several rifles. the 4831 load uses 72.0 grain with a CCI lr primer in RP brass, and the H-450 load uses 58.0 grains with WW brass and a CCI 250 primer. I don't know what type of rifle you are shooting, but both of these have worked in Rugers, and BSA's. the 4831 load wirked well in Husquavarna, Mark X and Savage, while the H-450 load worked in Remington and Winchester and a custom rifle or two.

Dan AZ www.huntandlodge.com
I use IMR4350, 56 grs., 130 Nosler part., 210 Fed. primer, winchester brass, one big hole for three shots at 100 yds. I clocked this load at 3112 fps out of a 22" barrel. I use this load in a 760 Rem. Pump and a custom bolt action.(Be sure and start 5% lower with this load.)
Be safe, have fun!

[This message has been edited by deadeye2 (edited 03-15-2001).]
I don't have the exact load data with me, but I've had good luck with H-1000 and a Hornady 130 gr. H-4831sc also works well in mine, with Speer or Hornady bullets.