
Best Hunting Video for Non/Anti Hunters

I’m married to a vegetarian who actually became that way in the last few years. She is in no way anti hunting. She just doesn’t really like meat and finds the commercial ag industry that she grew up in repulsive.

If your girlfriend is open minded and intelligent, there is really only one way she can feel about hunting once the facts are laid out there clearly in a well supported manner. That’s all you can do. She’ll probably come around.
Try this one. It's mainly about trophy hunting but it's short, easy to understand, and not preachy.

My girlfriend is a vegetarian and doesn't like hunting. I think if she actually understood what its all about I could change her mind. I don't expect her to hunt but my plan is to get her eating wild game and maybe even go on a backpack hunt with me.

I'm looking for a good objective video that shows both sides of the argument on the ethics of hunting and what hunters have done for the preservation of wildlife. I firmly believe no one actually cares more about wildlife than hunters and no group has done more for wildlife than hunters.

I like the #Projectelk video on amazon

Any suggestions?

I'd pick a new girlfried. It ain't gonna work. It's one thing if she doesn't hunt but isn't against it. It's another if she doesn't like it.
If she reads, Try Girl Hunter, by Georgia Pellegrini. My wife really enjoyed it. The author never hunted but is a chef and desired to see where it all came from.
My girlfriend is a vegetarian and doesn't like hunting. I think if she actually understood what its all about I could change her mind. I don't expect her to hunt but my plan is to get her eating wild game and maybe even go on a backpack hunt with me.

Does she mind if you hunt? Is she open-minded enough to have this discussion? Is she open to changing her ways?

Based on people I've met, there are a handful of reasons people go vegan/vegetarian.
The main ones I've seen, with some gross over generalizations:
  1. Health reasons - they've concluded that eating meat is bad for them for whatever reason. A lot of these can be accepting of hunting and meat eaters, but don't count on being able to change their habits. They might even hike with you on a hunt if you frame your ask nicely.
  2. Dislike of factory farm conditions/treatment - These ones seem to be the best bet and potential friends to hunters. I had a friend in college that was full vegan but said she would eat venison if she knew it was humanely killed. I think these are also your best bet to become hunters - they aren't opposed to eating meat in general, but want to see it done right.
  3. Animal welfare - Sometimes it is hard to tell these apart from the ones mentioned in 2). In my experience, these are the ones that you won't convert. If they believe that killing an animal for any reason, with any method, is wrong, then you will have a rough go of changing their mind. If this is your girlfriend, then you will have an uphill battle. You'll likely have a constant conflict about hunting, and as others have said you might want to look elsewhere.
One way to help ease into it might be to do some preseason scouting. Grab a pack and take a long hike with her. It'd give you an opportunity to talk, hopefully see some wildlife, and get a feel for how your girlfriend will react to things.
My wife was a vegetarian when I met her. I corrupted her by cooking bacon, A.K.A the gateway meat. She still doesn't hunt but I have her fishing now.