PEAX Equipment

Best Coyote Call


New member
Dec 9, 2005
What is the Best Coyote Call Out there? What kind of luck have you had with it? I need a new call, but it needs to be a GOOD Call...THANKS!
Mouth....yeah i know about the location and all i am just curious about what you guys think is the best call....
Any of the new Randy Anderson primos calls will do you great. You can get them two calls in a package, and the are interchangable. You can setup for whatever situation that you come into. They blow easy and they are very setup for close, far, or whatever situation you need.........
All of the above is great information. Another thing to consider though. Predator calling has enjoyed a surge in popularity the past few years. If you are in an area that has a high amount of pressure, the set up and location is that much more important. Also an electronic caller with a decoy brings a new dimension to the game. It makes call shy coyotes a little less leary. Just a thought.
I use a varitey of calls when I go predator hunting. I like the Randy Anderson/Primos calls...the Little Dog and the Ki-Yi are both awesome. My all time FAVORITE call is th Tally Ho. That little call is great! I second the advise about using decoys...from rodent decoys to birds. You's be suprised the difference a few crow decoys will make.

I like the Sceery raspy jackrabbit. The dogs get wise to the bunny call fairly quick though. The electronics give you some other sounds that you can switch up.
Sounds good i like the sceery Raspy Jackrabbit too.....Along with Primos calls....Thanks....i have never used decoys so i will have to buy me a few...
Oh! I know of some awesome, but DIFFERENT sounding calls. It is the Tweaked Squirrel and the Tweaked Hare from LEMARR GAME CALLS (

:D Wait a minute, thats my site :D

On a serious note, I tune them to a sound thats not out there and no two calls (call bodies) are alike.They are much more ($) than any commercial call.

On a commercial basis I like the Haydels. The mini blaster is COOL.
Yep, the set up is the biggest part

God Bless,

Song Dog
Harley, i agree with you on the No Gun Deal.....Thanks for the website i will go and check out your calls....THANKS
One of my all time fav's is one called the Critter call, it is out of Colorado, it is an open reed and is really quite inexpensive (sub $20)

They make it in 3 different sizes and I've used them for many different critters (yote,fox,bear,deer,lopes,elk)

You may want to check them out if you get a chance. Here in Montana they are a bit hard to locate but IMO they are worth the effort.

They used to advertise in Varmint Hunter.

Good luck calling El Bun (yote) is one of the best.

Best coyote call out there

twister50 said:
What is the Best Coyote Call Out there? What kind of luck have you had with it? I need a new call, but it needs to be a GOOD Call...THANKS!
If you need a good call why not try the new Wiley One Female Coyote Howler. It is one of the easier howlers to use. You don't have to bite down on the reed to get a higher pitch. All you have to do is blow a little harder and it will automatically go from low pitch to high. We had a contest last Sat. and 9 coyotes were taken by a team using that howler. It makes an excellent rabbit sound and hurt pup sound. Check out

Anybody out there know some good hunting stores to market my calls besides Scheels and Cabela's? What stores are in your areas?
I think that they are the best Larry. They are so easy to blow. You don't have to blow very hard to get them to work. Great variety of sounds. Love 'em.