PEAX Equipment

Berger VLD reviews for elk

I was a huge fan of Bergers early on because of their accuracy, BC etc. After 2 seasons and a few animals I wouldn't use them on any hunt for anything. I'm sure they work most of the time, and they did for me, until they didn't. I want a bullet I can be 100% confident in...not one where some percentage of the time I'm going to have a cluster. My issues were with a 7mm-08 and mule deer. No way would I consider them for an elk hunt given there are much superior bullets to choose from.
They kill stuff. If you are worried about them don’t shoot them. If you make a bad shot they may get away just like any premium bullet out there. I would have zero hesitation using one.
Like what? Besides Accubonds
Barnes tsx have been my personal favorite. Perfect expansion and 99+% weight retention when I've recovered bullets. I've not got firsthand experience with some newer stuff because I've never had a reason to try anything else.
They are not designed to punch through an animal they are designed to penetrate a few inches and violently fragment causing massive tissue damage.
I’m a Berger fan, but they are DESIGNED to shoot tiny groups and have high BCs. They HAPPEN to behave somewhat uniquely compared to other fragmenting bullets in that they penetrate some distance before coming apart over an incredible range of impact velocities, according to most reports and all of my limited experience, they have no problem at all punching through whatever bones they encounter before they start coming apart. I can’t say I’ve noticed a big difference in behavior when they hit bone compared to when they don’t, but my personal sample size is not huge.
I was a huge fan of Bergers early on because of their accuracy, BC etc. After 2 seasons and a few animals I wouldn't use them on any hunt for anything. I'm sure they work most of the time, and they did for me, until they didn't. I want a bullet I can be 100% confident in...not one where some percentage of the time I'm going to have a cluster. My issues were with a 7mm-08 and mule deer. No way would I consider them for an elk hunt given there are much superior bullets to choose from.
I’d love more details.
I've had a few once in a lifetime tags too. Including a giant bull elk last year.
I get complete pass throughs the majority of the time with Bergers.
Best bullet out there.
what is so weird is the guys who hate bergers " heard they are bad" However guys who shoot bergers keep on killing with bergers. That said the berger hunting vld will never be my go to bullet to use in timber or whitetail hunting in woodlots in the east. I have had tennis ball exit holes on rib lung hits on mature bull elk.
His buddy owns hammer bullets hint
If they didn't work I wouldn't use them. I don't shoot shit bullets, I don't care who owns the company. And Steve wouldn't care if I didn't want to shoot them. The buddy thing you know. Google them and find a bad review. I've used Bergers and have no confidence in them. Simple as that. mtmuley
If they didn't work I wouldn't use them. I don't shoot shit bullets, I don't care who owns the company. And Steve wouldn't care if I didn't want to shoot them. The buddy thing you know. Google them and find a bad review. I've used Bergers and have no confidence in them. Simple as that. mtmuley
I wasn't busting I know/believe your a good hunter/shooter etc.
Somebody shooting Bergers tried to ruin my dinner one night, then again it was from UT... ;) E-tips seemed to be more effective.

I’d love more details.
Slight quartering shots, likely the bullet touched some bone going in, but appeared to come apart very shallow. Similar situation a second time. Ultimately both animals died, but in both cases it was a long tracking effort and more follow up shots to finish them off. I'm not an expert in bullets/ballistics, so entirely possible it was poor shooting, freak situations etc. All I know is, the decades before and the decades after my brief foray with berger bullets I've never experienced a similar outcome and so for my hunting I will not use them.
Slight quartering shots, likely the bullet touched some bone going in, but appeared to come apart very shallow. Similar situation a second time. Ultimately both animals died, but in both cases it was a long tracking effort and more follow up shots to finish them off. I'm not an expert in bullets/ballistics, so entirely possible it was poor shooting, freak situations etc. All I know is, the decades before and the decades after my brief foray with berger bullets I've never experienced a similar outcome and so for my hunting I will not use them.
Interesting. I’ve not had such an issue. I would not expect slight quartering to be a problem. I’ve shot Bergers with slight quartering and extreme quartering. I can’t say it didn’t happen though. I’m currently happy with them.
His buddy owns hammer bullets hint
If Muley’s friend owns Hammer, then every post he’s ever made pushing them is tainted. The last line of every post should be “oh yeah I’m friends with the them anyway why wouldn’t I tell the truth?”

Do I misunderstand his post?
If Muley’s friend owns Hammer, then every post he’s ever made pushing them is tainted. The last line of every post should be “oh yeah I’m friends with the them anyway why wouldn’t I tell the truth?”

Do I misunderstand his post?
Why are my posts pushing them tainted Bill? Find some bad reviews. Find some unsatisfied shooters and hunters. Read the testimonials from members here. Read how Hammer gets higher velocity from just a profile change. Go to LRH and do a search. Read about the African Safaris and cartridges used. You seem pretty intelligent, have at it. Tainted? Yeah right. And Steve has been a friend for 40 years. If I said his bullets sucked and I didn't want to use them, there would be no hard feelings between us. Bet he already forgot more about bullets and ballistics than you will ever figure out. mtmuley
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