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bedtime story

Be careful saying it was ok because he was a bad guy, and he tortured his own people. As then you leave your self to explain why we allow it in other countries around the world. (Rawanda, Sudan, etc.. etc...)
Daddy should have "Explained" to they little girl that Saddam "refused" to abide by an "international treaty" and has subjected his country to a war that could have been "avoided" if he had just let the "inspectors" have full access to areas that were suspect of having WMD`s, So the whole srory is Bullshit! Wake up lib`s.
Gunner, frankly, if you're asking me specifically, I think any potentate that behaves in such a manner as Saddam has the exact same treatment coming. But the other countries you're referring to try very hard to avoid our notice and not poke us with sticks. We would be accused of empire-building, bullying, etc., etc. every time we took action; and, like Iraq, the fact that he was eating children for breakfast would be tidily forgotten by the media and other nay-sayers. So, we have to draw the line at those who directly threaten the welfare of US citizens.

Furthermore, better to save a few than to sit back and save none at all.

I definitely agree with you, because you have given the issue some thought, and not just jumped up and started waving a flag. A few of the other posts in this thread had not given much thought. They just repeated the message they heard on AM radio.

But there are lots of little dictatorships around the world, torturing their own people, and occasionally attacking US interests. It would just be nice to be able to explain to the little girl in the story above, what criteria needs to be met to risk US Troops, and what is not worthy. The trouble with Iraq is that it will always look like Oil is the factor that pushes it over the top.
I'm confused. Many of the people that are against government involvement and tax increases in America are for our governments involvement and spending $87 Billion dollars in another one?

I'm more of a mindset that we should take care of our own before we worry about those abroad. For me, the welfare of the Iraqi people are pretty far down on the list of issues I find important. Imagine what 10% of the money to be spent rebuilding Iraq could do for say, the public education system here in America!
Buzz you say don`t kill the messenger, but what is the "intent" of your post? Is it to bash bush? If it is thats ok, as i blast him all the time on immigration. But i would think that you would be "in-favor" of this war just based on the fact of the "environment", Have you forgotten about all of the oil well fires that that asshole Saddam set back in the gulf war or were you to young to remember? how about the oil he spilled into the persian gulf? Minnie moose maybee you were still on the tit when this happend, but Buzz you had to be at least 13-14 at the time, Saddam spilled more oil than every oil company ever did! and he did it on purpose! oil co. have accidents and the enviro-groups never stop reminding us, by the way companies like haliburton put out those huge fires 5 years ahead of schedule! how much damage did haliburton prevent? where is the "praise" for that? Thats why i think enviro groups are Phony.
This world is full of communist sympathizers and people that are truly afraid to stand up for any thing that really counts. Socialists and liberals fit right into this category also, most all youngsters and even them that are older that don't understand what the military is for, are and were also afraid to join because of the biggest fear, commitment. It is easy to sit back in their chairs and spout crap and innuendos and feel justified, but their words and motions are in reality meaningless, empty, and unjustifiable. They will yell at the top of their lungs to sound important and that they really do count because they can justify any thing they want to in their own head, but in the end when the truth comes out, they are very small and shallow people with a dead end life style....
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