PEAX Equipment

Beaver Hunting?

Well beaver season ended yesterday. After spending hours on google earth scouring for beaver dams on every stream and creek within a 2 hour drive, I found every location to be washed out. I can't say I'm surprised as the google earth images were mostly from 2015, but I assumed beavers would still be in the area even if old dams no longer existed. Anyways, I resorted to walking the banks on the larger rivers and finally found several beavers, although they never came close enough to the bank to get a shot. Nonetheless, it was fun watching the beavers swim around slapping the water with their tails. I guess Next season I'll get out before the snow piles up and get into the colonies I've found in the past. Thanks to everyone who shared advice. I never expected to have so much trouble with beaver and learned a lot from the comments.
Beaver season is year-round.......just sayin.....couldnt resist
I don’t chase beaver anymore. That’s all I used to do in my younger days and had some pretty wild encounters! In fact if you’re not careful you might end up having a run in with a cougar. Anyway it just leads to too much trouble and it’s best left to the younger guys.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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