BEar Pics from Today...

Great to hear you guys were able to finish up the baiting without me. I noticed that all the ass pictures were from site C. What, no one liked site T enough to do a plumber impression???

Have to hand it to Big "O" can hang in the hills. I'll have to work on my trips to the mailbox, hopefully next time I can keep up with him.

Sure glad you all forgot about the claw hammer toss into the bottled soda incident, at least you could track Gunner up the hill that way.
Well I thought Gunner was goingto post pictures. I might have to beat him to the Punch and Tell the stories my way ;)
Originally posted by Nut:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Westman:
Was Gunner pulling his britches up or down?
I dont either way. I just want to know who was doing it for. :D ;) :eek: </font>[/QUOTE]Can't you tell by the look of anticipation on Wylee's face??? ;)
Originally posted by Ovis:

I was gonna ask who the guy was in the first pic, Oscar or Mike, but then I realized that ugly ass green fleece pullover. You aren't gonna wear that thing next month...r u?
I think that green fleece makes my ass look smaller, so I am gonna wear it.... :cool:

I thought about scanning all the pictures with dead animals and that sweater... and yes, you are gonna get tired of seeing that sweater next month.... Every flippin' day.. :cool:
Originally posted by Moosie:
Well I thought Gunner was goingto post pictures. I might have to beat him to the Punch and Tell the stories my way ;)
Gimme a break... The trailer park doesn't have DSL, so I am stuck on a Dial-up.... And since I don't download porn, I haven't seen that much need to have DSL....
Here is a side view of Moosie's Azz....

Here is a picture of "Tippy Canoe".... It almost looks like there is flex in the boat. It looks like Big-O is about to be dipped, and Wylee's end is still upright.

And here is our bait getting "hit".....
Note the buckets... The orange is full of Choclate Chips (I told them bears were like dogs, and you are not supposed to feed them Chocolate.), the next bucket is 6 gallons of the rankest french fry grease, then is the bucket of blueberries already dumped, and another bucket of blueberries. I tried to convince Moosie to stick all the blueberries back onto the bushes, to make it more natural for the bears. (I swear, I was the only one looking out for the best interest of the bears. I even suggested that we should get some Low-Carb wraps, just in case some of the bears were on the Atkins program...
think that green fleece makes my ass look smaller, so I am gonna wear it....

I thought about scanning all the pictures with dead animals and that sweater... and yes, you are gonna get tired of seeing that sweater next month.... Every flippin' day..

Well I am photoshopping that "beotch" next month ;)
Ahhh the Pictures hit the net

I do have to say that My butt looks big in the first picture. I hopped on the Scale And I'm at my ALL time High now again pushing the 224# mark.... I'd brag that I still fair well in the hills but no-one would believe me so I won't lie to ya.

Sure glad you all forgot about the claw hammer toss into the bottled soda incident, at least you could track Gunner up the hill that way.
HAHA.. So I bring a Hammer and Nail tuna cans to the trees. And Wylee picls up the Hammer and Chuckes it over his Shoulder and If it doesn't hit and Stick a Hole in a 2 littler pop bottle :D Dangdest thing I've seen.. I'm guessing he was aiming

So In the First picture I wa seying up a 1/2 Eaten donut. Wylee said he didn't take a bite but he had Jelly on his Shirt, so whatever that means.

In the 3rd picture yo ucan see the bread/donuyts covered in Peanut butter and dogfood and Greese topped with Blue berries and Chocolate chips and someone even set 1 cherry on top. If that site doesn't bring in a Fat bear, by the End of the season a 100# bear will be weighing 3-4 hundred pounds
This kept me going for quite awhile reading all of this stuff, great reading and pics by the way...
Yes Sir.. Aging for 2 weeks was the Origional Plan.. But after Leaving It I wanted to go back up right away the next day but Refrained :D

I think Sat or Sunday will be the Day though. I need to set a Camera up there that we didn't the first time. Then the Games will begin :D

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