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Bear near Craig Alaska look out...

Frequently Banned Troll

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
Under the Bridge
My next door neighbor has a fishing lodge there, boats, place to stay etc...

So far only 6 of us going, anybody else interested? Should be pretty easy hunting, beach cruising on a boat. Killing huge and stupid bears..

Big Stick can I borrow some of your cool guns? Hey if you are too attached to them, no problem.. shouldn't make a difference in the outcome. I'm going to fling arrows but my child will use a rifle.

Take a look at the Prince of Wales Island's worst nightmare...
And of course the whole trip will be documented here on the world wide web on how awesome and easy it is to crush big bears.. I don't live there, could care less about resulting tourist pressure.. :D

Big Stick.. this place look familiar?
Stop by, teach us how to do it.. or not.. :(
And of course the whole trip will be documented here on the world wide web on how awesome and easy it is to crush big bears.. I don't live there, could care less about resulting tourist pressure.. :D

Big Stick.. this place look familiar?
Stop by, teach us how to do it.. or not.. :(

Are you implying that is the bridge he lives under:D
Greenhorn, would love to tag along on that trip, but not in the budget or plans for this year. good luck to you that are going. when are you going?
I'm in. Can't we each buy like 4 bear tags too? 10 day trip . . .24 bears . . .Not bad! :D
Date will allow for the bulk of carnage to be shipped back being only large bear skulls and salted hides. Will leave an abundance of brass along the beaches for big stick's reloading supplies..
Wanton waste is a may wish to polish your tale,prior to uploading Rats,no matter your destination..................
I dig the hypothesized vacation area's,that the minimum wage troop aspire to.

MUST be satisfying for them to postulate such grandeur,albeit shortlived.


The good thing about hunting Prince of Wales Island is that unlike Montana, you do not have to deal with elevation nor long pack outs of game. In fact, one of the great things about hunting POW is that 99% of the Island is handicap accessible.
Have you tried Halftrac??? Maybe ya'll could pile into the Good Humor truck and pull Grave Digger up there, just watch where ya drive you might squish short people. John
I dig the hypothesized vacation area's,that the minimum wage troop aspire to.

MUST be satisfying for them to postulate such grandeur,albeit shortlived.


Just like all the exotic trips and places you visit? All we've seen are pics of a drippy looking place that I imagine smells like fish all the time.

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